POWER NAP - it's still winter around freezing point, yet i was able yesterday to ...

in hive-142013 •  4 years ago 

... read an ebook in this sheltered place in spring-like temperatures☀️. it was relaxing, especially the short sleep i took in between😴. power naps are rare for me, but they do extremely well 💪😊 - don't they?


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Really nice combination... sunshine - a great book and a power nap in between! 👌🏾

it's just perfect when everything comes together this way🙏😊.

The power of Sleep, essential in our Life

yes indeed, and still not all of the secrets of sleep have been revealed yet 😊

Actually I am reading "Why We Sleep" a book of Matthew Walker. I really recommend it

what a coincidence😊. i'll have a look in the digital library ...

Power napping since 30 years, it started when my daughter was born 😉

i wished i could tell the same. maybe i'll master it one day as well😊

I cant have power Naps!! If I deeply fall asleep during these Naps, its techincally impossible for me to continue my tasks of the rest of the day.

same with me. its a difference between power nap and power sleep how long the reboot takes 😊.

i love power naps.. oh gosh! if i have that it feels like i slept long hours but the truth is , it was just minutes...

good value for just a few minutes🙏😊