People like me are full of shit 🤦🏽‍♂️ Let’s get real for a moment. “Fake it until ...

in hive-142013 •  4 years ago 

... you make it”
I see myself as an idealist, a dreamer, working to be the best business-person that I can be.
And those like me are full of shit.
And I hate seeing people following and catching up to the fake glamorous lifestyle that some tend to showoff on socials, I love see my friends winning, what I hate is seeing people faking it, or worst:
Promoting unhealthy values.
Because I have been there,
I drowned myself into the hustle and bustle, worked my way around the whole globe travelling and living the instagram-best-life but deep down I felt miserable, unhappy and completely empty.
I know that feeling too well.
I turned my life back and finally I’m getting the right things right.
⚠️ I am not saying that money are bad or things like that,
money is great, abundance is great,
being rich is great, but it is all great
only if there is happiness before them.
Happiness before the money, a mission before the hustle, fulfilment before the luxuries .
Don’t get caught in the fakery that the instagram-entrepreneurs shows you as I did, and worst than that, don’t do what I did trying to fake happiness on socials pretending that more work would fill those emptiness.
Just be real, with you and others around you, the right people and opportunities will find you.
Real winners focus on winning.
Yours truly


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Welcome to appics 🔥💪

Welcome to APPICS🎉

Thanks 🔥🔥

Welcome to Appics, All that you say is so true! Also what good is having all these luxury things if your all alone and miserable with no one to share it with!? Once we love ourselves we can then love others and find true happiness from whithin!

Absolutely! That’s super true 🌹

Happy to follow you!

Thanks 🙏🏽

What a message! Thank you for sharing and welcome here on APPICS! 👋👌

Appreciate you liked it brother ✨ thanks for the welcome

You are welcome! 🤙

Right on point! Welcome on board 🙋

Thank you 🙏🏽

Welcome to appics! Enjoy your stay here with us!

Thanks 🙏🏽 happy to be here

Welcome on board 🙌🏻

😊 thanks! Happy to be here

You are welcome! Glad to have you here 🙌🏻