This account will be permanently closed. I cannot stay in APPICS, a platform where ...

in hive-142013 •  4 years ago 

... a an ambassador, a sexual predator and one who meddles into the personal lives of other users unwarranted, is being tolerated.

It is not just a simple offense as Felix sees it, it is a grave offense that requires more than just telling your ambassador to refrain. In fact, he does not even abide to it, but he is to proud and sarcastic.


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Heyy buddy, I'm really sorry for your experience with one of the Ambassadors and please excuse it as a mistake.. Which I'm sure won't be repeated..
This is just a request as i don't know what happened in the background..
Also, if you need someone to talk to - i am here.. just DM me on Instagram/Telegram.. i may not be able to set things right for you.. but i will listen & understand i assure you..
Appics is what it is because of the amazing Community and we strive to improve upon any mistakes we make as Human's 😊🙏🏻