🎮 Steemit City: Zombie Apocalypse: Level 1 - The Apartments (👤 @moecki)

in hive-142124 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Welcome to your home in Steemit City, Flat 20 on the 3rd floor of Steemit Apartments

👆 Source 1, Source 2 + Photoshop

Things don't look good for you at the moment, technology has stopped working and you've run out of food. If you don't head outside soon to search for something to eat, you'll certainly starve to death.

Before you begin on your adventure, you'll need to choose the character that you'll be playing with and have the following options:


Please reply {A}, {B} or {C} to this post to select your character.

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👆 I know this is Moecki's game. I was hired to help find bugs... 😉

Ich war auch kurz davor, das bei einem "fremden" Spiel auszuprobieren.
Ich sehe schon: du erkennst die Tücken, mit denen man rechnen muss. :-))

I've got that one covered 🤣


It's time to get moving, you look out through the spy hole of your front door and see what appears to be a zombie.

DAMN! That's not good. You'll have to attack the zombie otherwise you'll be trapped in here for ever and starve to death.

Maybe there's something in your flat that you can use as a weapon?

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Attack the zombie
{B} Search for a weapon


You've decided to search the apartment for a suitable weapon.

You've got a good idea of what to look for - something hard, preferably sharp, something that you can swing or shoot.

The best that you can find is an Axe. It's not perfect but it's the best thing available.

It's now time to head outside, reply {A} when you're ready to get moving.




You get out your Axe and prepare to do battle...

You strike first and you catch the zombie with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 7.

The zombie fights back and barely touches you, reducing your Health by 1.5.

You attack again and you land a strong blow with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 8.4.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

You feel relief to have come out of the fight relatively unscathed and prepare to continue your journey.

You step outside knowing that nothing's directly outside your door and you're cautious to check the rest of the corridor.

You look to your left and see a zombie.

It hasn't noticed you yet.

You look to your right and are relieved to see nothing there.

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Attack the Zombie to your left that hasn't noticed you yet
{B} Try to escape into Apartment 21 opposite your home
{C} Try to escape into Apartment 22 to your right
{D} Try to escape into Apartment 23 to your right
{E} Try to escape into the stairwell to your right

I have to find something to eat... otherwise I will become a monster myself. Grrr...

You get out your Axe and prepare to do battle...



You strike first and the zombie feels the full force of your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 11.2.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

After this battle, you feel that your luck is improving.

You feel relief that you're unharmed and prepare to continue your journey.

You're cautious to recheck the rest of the corridor and are relieved to see that it's all clear.

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Look in Apartment 18
{B} Look in Apartment 19
{C} Try to access the stairwell next to you
{D} Look in Apartment 21 opposite your home
{E} Head back and look in Apartment 22
{F} Head back and look in Apartment 23
{G} Head back and try to access the opposite stairwell

Argh! I entered the wrong location in the code and you went towards the zombie instead of away from it. Well the good news is that you destroyed the zombie with ease 😉

What?! Du siehst ja genauso aus wie ich... ;-D

Tscha, und nu stell dir vor, wir treffen uns im Flur... Das Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum könnte ins Wanken kommen...

Hauptsache, wir treffen uns. Das Spiel scheint gerade das einzige zu sein, was mich noch an den Rechner zerrt... ;-)

Jo, ist gerade nicht viel los so im Allgemeinen...
Ich schiebe meinen gedanklich fertigen Beitrag aber auch von Tag zu Tag vor mir her. :-) Irgendwann ist er bestimmt wieder out of date ... c'est la vie...

c'est la vie...

Jo. Geht mir ganz genauso. Ich habe einen Beitrag angefangen, bei dem die Einleitung steht. Wird ständig verändert ("Elton wohnt jetzt schon 3 4 5 6 7 Wochen bei uns"). Nee, 6 u. 7 wurden noch nicht benutzt - alles liegt brach. Aber "ma vie" ist ja nicht nur Elton und Scrabble. Und da merke ich nun schon, dass ich mir über eine mögliche Verknüpfung mit einer eventuellen Veröffentlichung auf Steemit nicht mal mehr Gedanken mache.
Bisschen Kommentieren, Mining über CR und alles ist gut. Kommen auch wieder andere Tage... :-))