The diary game//season 3//21/04/2021: My Wednesday activities by @abubakar88

in hive-142140 •  3 years ago 

Peace be onto you.
Today is another day God has blessed us with. I hope everyone is great. I am here to share with you how my day went.
Today is the ninth day of the month of Ramadan according to the Islamic calendar and as a healthy muslim, I have fast because fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. I woke up around 4:00 am to take my suhoor for my fasting ,after the suhoor I red some verses of the Qur'an. At 5:50am, I preyed my fajr prayers. After the prayers, I decided to learn because I was having exams at 9am. I learnt till it was 8am and I stop and watched some movie to refresh my mind for the exams at 9. We are doing our exams online so the lecture said we should the exams on a paper scan to a single PDF and then send to him via email. the exams question was sent to us at 9 and we are expected to finish at 12:00pm. This exams really gave me tough time, I sweated before I was able to do the it. Around 11:30 I had to stop writing and then scan my work to PDF. By 12:00 I was done with everything about the exams. After the exams I rested for a while and then prayed my Zuhur prayers.

Busy writing and scanning of exams

After the prayers I did some washing and I finished the washing around 3:12pm, after washing I did my Asr prayers and rested again because I was a bit tired because of the fasting.
Around 4pm I went out to play game (pes20) with my friends until it was 5:50. It was getting to the time to break fast so I prepared and went to the masjid to break my fast. after breaking the fast we prayed Magrib prayers and I came back to my hostel.


Sitting in the masjid to break fast

Around 7:15pm, I went back to the masjid to pray my Isha and Talawee prayers after all this prayers I came back to my , prepared something to eat and also leave some for my suhoor for the next morning fasting. I slept around 9pm in other to wake up early for the next morning fasting.

This was how I spent my day.

I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thanks to @belenguerra for his guidance and direction for my post on this lovely platform and thank you all for your time.



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Thanks for sharing this piece

You are welcome

Good day I hope your exam went on well ?

I tried my best and God also did the rest