Self love selfishness or not? || by @ahmadshujah

in hive-142140 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone I hope you all are well by the grace of God and enjoying your life. Today I'm going to talk about an interesting topic about self-love. I hope all of you will love the amd and enjoy my efforts. So let's get started

To love oneself means to love oneself. The question arises, is selfishness selfish? The answer is, no love at all is not selfish. It is a basic and essential need of any person. Self-love is your first love you cannot love others and love yourself.

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Your own love is focused on your well-being, happiness, satisfaction, caring for your needs and not sacrificing your own well-being to please others. Self-care is another name for your love. People who love themselves are very happy and do not suffer from depression or anxiety. Some people consider selfishness to be selfish but it is not self-centered that you love and respect yourself no one can love or respect yourself until you give it to yourself.

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There is a big difference between selfishness and selfishness and self-centeredness and selfishness for the benefit of others but the selfless and unselfish person who did not work for the benefit of others did not set aside to make others happy but on the other hand did wrong or chose illegal entertainment. He is only trying to have fun in legal ways.
Forgiveness is another form of your own love if you want to move on and learn to do good for yourself learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. Try to be your best version, your own love is the act of knowing your worth and your worth. If you truly love yourself you do not need other people to love you. Selfishness is enough to bring joy and satisfaction from the heart.

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I conclude this discussion with the famous saying, "to love oneself is not to love oneself, you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself" so obviously in order to live a happy life you must love yourself and if you can 'Do not love yourself then do not expect others to give you love and respect. Make contentment and happiness your priority, and do what your heart tells you to do.

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