Betterlife The Diary Game : 2/6/2021

in hive-142140 •  4 years ago 

Hello friends, how are you? I hope you all will be well. And you will be living your life in peace and enjoyment and enjoying the blessings of Allah Almighty. May Allah grant you a long and healthy life and may Allah bless you with happiness and may there always be happiness in your life. So friends I will share my diary game with you today how I spent my day today.

So let's start today's diary game:

This morning I got up early in the morning and after Fajr prayers I went for a walk and early morning walk is very useful so I do morning walk every day and that is why I am healthy. I go two kilometers from my village for an early morning walk and then from there I return to my home. When I went for a walk today, I ran for a kilometer and a half and then I walked slowly for half a kilometer in front of it and then I walked slowly and came back home. By the way, we all go out together for a walk in the morning, but today I went alone, so I didn't walk much today, I walked for about two kilometers and then I came back home.
This is where I start my morning walk and walk this way and come back this way. When we all go for a walk together then we have another road we start our morning walk on it.

Taking vegetables from the vegetable market.

After a morning walk I came home immediately and when I came home I had to buy vegetables and I went to Sabzmandi.


Then from Sabzmandi I came back home after taking vegetables and after coming home I had breakfast and after breakfast I fell asleep to rest for a while.

Visiting crops:

I woke up later and then I went to my fields and there I visited them. Some of our fields needed water, so I watered them.


After irrigating the fields, I visited the fields for about an hour and a half and I kept seeing how much more water our fields need and how much fertilizer they need and I saw how many days our fields would take. The fields will be fully ripe for about two months and then sold peacefully to meet their needs. And then I was going to send a bee to one of my acres, so the guy with the tractor came to fix our land.


And then the evening came and I went back to my house.
And then I came back to my house free from all these activities. My friend Ali and Mujtaba went to a hotel for dinner together. We had to eat there but they forbade us to go there. There was no food nor did we eat a single burger. And then we all came back home happy and now I'm sharing my diary game with you. I hope you like my diary game today. Thanks to @ghostfacer99.

Special Thanks.


Regards By.


Link of my Achievement 1.

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