Helo friends how are you i hope you all will be fine Alhamdulilah i am also fine with the grace of ALLAH almighty.Friends today is monday.Today i will share with you my whole day which is very interesting first of all i get up early in the morning i take toothbrush then after ablution I went to the mosque for fajar prayer when i reached in mosque there were many peoples in the mosque for fajar prayer i call the azany fajar and say the fajar prayer after that i recite the Holy Quran after that i went for a little morning walk after thirty minutes I reached back home then i take bath then my mother’s call to me your brake fast is ready after eating the brake fast then i decideng to go my friend home which name is Raza.
After one hour i reached to my friend home i knock the door then someone says to me who are you i say to him i am a friend of raza and i want to meet raza where is Raza suddenly raza came inside the home he was little angry with me because we were metting after long time then he asked to me to drink cold drink bit i refused.Then i say to raza today is monday i want to visit your whole village he says to me of course dear why not it’s my pleasure .
Then our journey start i say to my friend that i will visit your whole village including streets etc on foot .On the way first of all we saw Two mens we met hair cutter he was cutting the hair of an old man they were laughing afer seeing that i think the village life is very simple
After that my friend says to me that now i show you a very historical place which is present in my village this is very old building from the reigon of emperor mughal first of all when i reached in the street of the building it was very historical so far
After five minutes we raeched the main gate of this historical place the door was very old
then we go inside the building my friend say to me now i will show you a small room of king its condition was very bad on the other hand it was very historical here is a picture of this room
then we go forward my friend show me another building the condition of all the buildings were very bad but they were very historical and old but it’s design inspire to me
then my friend says to me please come with me now i show you the beauty of my village called nature beauty he see’s to me grossy plots and flowers that was very beautiful seen for me i realy attractive to see the beauty of his village
we were tired then my friends says to me now it’s time of lunch he say to me that we eat something we came back at his home there were also present Raza’s brothers and cousin’s raza say’s to her cousin please go to market and take something for eat then we eat chicken krahi and cold drink the time was passing quickly now i say to my friend please give me permission to go to me back to home he says to me to stay a night but I refused that i will come other day with my family i thank to him for the whole day which spent with him visiting his whole village then i say ALLAH hafiz and i came back
I hope you all like my post and support me remembers me in your prayers thanks to all and thanks to @ghostfacer99 god bless you all
special thanks