- Today I went to a friend's village It was a very beautiful village. When I saw this village for the first time, it seemed as if this village is no less than an area that has its own example and besides, most of the natural things in this village and There were their beauties. I also made some pictures of them and I was thinking in my mind that I will definitely tell you about them. First of all, this picture I have made, it reflects this house. Which is a house made of mud with some material for feeding animals outside the house and not the cleaning etc. in front of this house but the dirt that is naturally there was there
A huge tree with very deep shade and a few beds under it that come and go to relieve fatigue I took a picture of it in front of you people with a tube of water under it There was a well that irrigated the plants with water. His voice sounded very good and his cold water was worth drinking but I could not drink this water because I was fasting today. So I couldn't drink this water. I put my hand inside it. That cold water felt very good when everyone felt it. This environment can only be found in a village. It is lost in urban areas.
There were a lot of fields around this house due to which cold and fresh air was blowing. This air was very captivating to the heart because the weather there was very good. Cold air was blowing everywhere which made human life. But it creates a pleasant feeling and the atmosphere of the village is like it has ended in our urban area. There was so much happiness. There were only a few animal sounds coming, including birds. Their voices sounded like this. It sounds like a very beautiful sound. We don't hear this sound in urban areas because in urban areas, plants are being destroyed by trees, which is why their homes are also being destroyed. Cannot live in urban areas
There was also a deep well where a power-filled motor was installed to draw water from the ground and put it in the fields outside. I asked its owner how deep it was. Told me that it is about 80 feet deep. It is installed so that our water pump does not have to exert too much pressure when it draws water from the ground and it does not deteriorate quickly so we install it closer to the ground. So that he can give as much water as possible and keep working for as long as possible. Besides, this person told me that I have spent about two lakh rupees on this nation. It is only the cost of building a well. The motor that has been installed and the expenses that have been incurred seem to be around five lakhs
I have been the owner of V for a long time. I have been sitting close to him and talking to him. He is answering everything. Try and keep some animals in your house which will create a pleasant feeling in the environment and you It will be fun to work. There are some animals from which we get milk. The man was telling me about it which is useful in milking and the man was telling me that I sell the milk of these animals. I earn about fifty thousand rupees a month and also my milk is used by my children and family. If the milk is pure then we also extract butter etc. which is used in our cooking. He has been telling me a lot more useful things than you guys
I've got a lot of work to do sitting next to him that I'm sharing with you guys so I can share a lot of good information for you guys too with all my friends in a beautiful place in one of my villages. You must have liked the tour and the definition of this place and the beauty of nature in this place because such an environment is not found everywhere and every human being likes the natural environment. This environment was like human nature.
#betterlife #steemexclusive #pakistan #photography #villagebeauty