Asslam o Alikum
Greetings to all my friends, how are you, I hope that all of you are well and you will be getting new from your life. Woke up in the morning and read Fajr prayer and thanked Allah Pak for this. After that I came out and left for a while because talking helps a lot Because doing brothers strengthens the bones and gets fresh air then i came home and Breakfast was prepared, ate biryani in breakfast, biryani is made very well in my house and then
After that, he went to Mat Rasa and there I taught the children and gave them dili training there. After leaving Madrasi, I went to mean and investigated the nature of cleaning the meaning and then the patients came and checked up the patients, then rested in the afternoon and then till evening I did my body duty and then I came home and
Today I visited the patients all day and I felt very relaxed ۔Believe me, the happiness of the people is very good for the car, you should also do such work that people benefit, believe that the heart gets a lot of peace and wait too . I am very thankful to whoever put me on this platform and asked me to put up a postin the of Cryptokannon cummunity in Team Nursery.