Assalam u alikum Dear Steemians
I hope you all are well with good health and wealth.Today I am very excited and glad that today I visited the garment factory which was wonderful and I will remember this moment.
By the way, there are many types of fabrics, but from what I saw today, you can say it cotton. Cotton is a very good fabric.Cotton is a very nice and cool fabric that people usually wear in summer and feel great wearing it.
Cotton is obtained from cotton and then after various processes it is made in the form of thread and plated on different cones.
You can also see in this picture who is doing the process of threading and this process is done through this machine.
Later you can see that the thread is passed through a machine so that it can be pulled out of the fabric.When the fabric is taken out, you can keep it in a safe place and then you can sell it anywhere in the market and it is a great business.I also checked the quality of the fabric and I liked it very much as you can see in the picture.
People from different places come to buy it and people think it is very good to wear and it has a very important value in the market. Not only men but also women and children wear it with great enthusiasm.
Biggest Market
The largest market in Pakistan of clothing store in Faisalabad. Faisalabad is a very large and important city in terms of clothing certification.Faisalabad is a very important city in terms of textile business and they do their business and earn a lot of profit and because of which the city is also very famous in Pakistan.From Faisalabad to other cities of Pakistan also cloth is sold and not only in Pakistan but also in other countries of the world. Clothing is a big platform. See and increase your knowledge of how Faisalabad is famous city of Pakistan. The city is much more important for industry of fabrics.
I hope you enjoy my post and appreciate it more and take care of u and your family.Allah Hafiz!
Mobile phone model HuaweiP9lite
Special Thanks