I hope you are all well and very happy Today I thought why don't you show me the picture of the garden so I made the whole picture of my garden and added it to us very well because you know I add a lot of it and then you Let me show you by posting. I am very happy when you message and comment on me. My house is very big and it has a lot of things in it, including the plants I planted myself and some of my elders who have grown up.
The cold infusion of the bark or root is given in a dose of 40-50 ml to treat burning micturition and difficulty in micturition. The fruit is consumed to improve the digestive power and indigestion. The paste of the root is applied over the area affected with skin diseases like eczema and ringworm
- Hindi name- Lasoda, Dela, Tenti, Gunda
English name- Sebesten, Glue berry, Pink pearl tree, Bird Lime tree, Fragrant manjack, snotty gobbles, glue berry, anonang, pink pearl, bird lime tree, Indian cherry
Tulu name – Challangayi, Challangai, Chellangai
Arabic name- Dilk
Bengali name- Bahanari
Punjabi name- Lasuda
Gujarathi name- Vadagunda
Marathi name- Bhonkar, Bhokar
Nepalese name- Lasura
Telugu name- Nakkera
Tamil name- Vidi
Name in the middle east – Bambar tree.
Tulu name – Challangayi
Cordia dichotoma is fruit used to remedy treatment to relive several diseases as anti-diabetic, immunomodulator, hepatoprotective, treatment of inflammation, fever, bronchitis and astringent, wounds healing and paralytic in folk medicine.
The pomegranate plant was planted by me with my own hands. My father also planted something in it. Our house is in this house. It is very big. That is why this is something we keep planting in it. There are many more benefits that I can tell you about
- Pomegranate Health Benefits
Pomegranates can have up to three times more antioxidants than green tea or red wine. Antioxidants protect cells from damage, prevent diseases — such as cancer — and reduce inflammation and the effects of aging.
- Heart Health
Studies have suggested that pomegranates can protect the heart in many ways, including lowering blood pressure and reducing blood sugar levels.
Atherosclerosis — the build-up of cholesterol and fats in the arteries — is a common cause of heart disease. Pomegranate juice may help reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol — “bad” cholesterol” — that clogs arteries. It can also increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol — “good” cholesterol” — which lowers the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
- We have a lemon tree in our house and it takes a lot of lemons which are very beneficial. A lot of lemons are planted on it. Its name is China Lemon.
We get a lot of benefits from this, we have to take something from outside, we get a lot from home and we get a lot of benefits from it.
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