What does garlic cure?
This herb has been known and used by humans for nearly five thousand years. Egyptian scrolls and Greek medical records also commemorate the healing effect of apricot, which has been used to treat many diseases. It contains more than twenty-five types of active ingredients - enzymes, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Although it has been used in folk medicine for many diseases to which it cannot contribute significantly (leprosy, syphilis), its regular consumption has been shown to have a good effect on cholesterol levels, help regulate blood pressure and, according to some studies, play a role in stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Bactericidal and antiviral
It also has a bactericidal and antiviral effect, thanks to the allicin it contains: it is even more effective against certain microorganisms than penicillin. It can also be used against pathogens that cause gastrointestinal disorders: garlic soup is an old home remedy for stomach and intestinal complaints. It is due to its antibacterial effect that it has been an important preservative in meat for centuries, as it can prevent, for example, severe food poisoning caused by bacteria, botulism. Due to its antiviral ability, it can also be used against intestinal catarrh, hepatitis and herpes simplex. It also takes up the fight against certain fungal infections, so garlic solutions are also used to treat skin fungi.
Less well known, but garlic is also a natural aphrodisiac. There are several reasons for this: in addition to the blood-cleansing effect, it has a significant tonic effect, as well as stimulates the pituitary gland and the hormonal system. However, the effect is not immediate, in fact: with a strong garlic smell, we often have to give up successful dates for a whole day.