The Great Globalist Reset

in hive-143246 •  4 years ago 


Less and less people doubt that the coronavirus pandemic artificially created by the satanic clans of the globalist "elite" is their global project for the "great reset" of our world. Regularly released from the globalist-controlled biolaboratories of the U.S. and NATO combat viruses are in essence a real "Pandora's Box", open by a force hostile to us to achieve their anti-human plans.

And one of the main tasks is to provoke repeated vaccination of the population, which, even with the most favorable effect of vaccines on the human body, can completely atrophy the immune system due to its constant "boosting". Let us take as an illustrative example a coachman whipping a horse so that it speeds up and allows both of them to escape from the ring of wolves surrounding them. This is exactly how an ordinary vaccine works, not loaded with heavy metals, microchips, "smart nano-dust" and other crap that is typical of vaccines from the WHO, which is a globalist organization. All vaccines produced by globalist-controlled pharmaceutical corporations are full of the same crap.

But, let's assume that Russian vaccines are not like that and that their only purpose is to spur the immune system to fight coronaviruses, like a coachman spurring a horse with a whip to avoid deadly danger. And what happens if he whips the horse too often? He will drive it into a tailspin and it will fall! The same thing will happen to the immune system if you keep revaccinating every six months to a year. In a few years, our immune system will simply "run out" and even a simple cold can kill a person. But you know what it says on the website of the World Bank, which is also a globalist organization? It says that the first phase of funding for Covid-19 will last until March 31, 2025. So, what does that mean? And that until that date, the globalists will keep releasing new biological viruses to provoke new waves of pandemics and new stages of re-vaccination. And there could be seven more revaccinations before that date. This is what the insidious plan of the globalists for Russia and the rest of the world is all about.

Of course, to believe in it or not, is a personal matter, but the representatives of the parasitic satanic clans of the world "elite" do not even hide their anti-human plans. For example, about the plans of today's biological war of the globalist clans and their masters against humanity, one of the "prophets" of the anti-human criminal plan of the "new world order" in the 1980s, the famous Satan-mason - Jacques Attali, was quite clearly expressed. Anyone can find these statements on the web for themselves.

But today, I want to acquaint you with another source - a book by Klaus Schwab, already a modern "prophet" of Satan's "new world order", called "Covid-19. The Great Reset" which isn't translated into Russian, so I'll use its machine translation, edited for the better digestion. So, what interesting things does he write in it about present times and artificially induced pandemics and revaccinations?

First, who is the author of this book? Klaus Schwab is the founder and executive chairman of such a well-known globalist organization as the World Economic Forum. He holds doctorates in economics and engineering, as well as a master's degree in social sciences, and is a professor at the University of Geneva. So the competence of this academic servant of the globalist clans is beyond doubt. In addition to this book, he is also the author of such books as Modern Business Management (1971), The Industrial Revolution (2016) and Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2018).

And now we turn to the content of this book. The very introduction tells us how much importance the globalists attach to this program of reducing and genetically altering humanity: "The world crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is unparalleled in modern history. We cannot be accused of exaggeration when we say that it plunges our world as a whole and each of us individually into the most difficult times we have faced in generations.

This is our defining moment - we will be dealing with its consequences for years to come, and much will change forever. It brings economic upheaval of colossal proportions, creating a dangerous and unstable period on many fronts-political, social, geopolitical- causing profound concern about
environment, as well as the expansion of the reach (detrimental or otherwise) of technology into our lives. No industry or business will be spared the consequences of these changes. Millions of companies are at risk of disappearing, and many industries face an uncertain future; some will thrive. On an individual level, for many
life as they have always known it is evolving at a frightening rate.

But deep existential crises also favor introspection and may
the potential for transformation. The fault lines in the world--the most visible social divides, the lack of justice, the lack of cooperation, the failure of global governance and leadership--are now more exposed than ever, and people feel it is time for a rethink. A new world will emerge, the contours of which
we can both imagine and draw. As of this writing (June 2020), the pandemic continues to worsen around the world.

Many of us ponder when things will go back to normal. The short answer: never. Nothing will ever return to the "broken" sense of normalcy that prevailed before the crisis, because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental breaking point in our global trajectory. Some analysts call it a major bifurcation, others refer to a profound crisis of "biblical" proportions, but the point remains the same: The world as we knew it in
The world as we knew it in the first months of 2020 is no more, it has dissolved into the context of a pandemic. Radical changes of such magnitude are coming that some pundits will then separate the "pre-coronavirus" (BC) era from the "post-coronavirus" (AC) era. We will continue to marvel at both the rapidity and the unexpected nature of these changes-as they merge with each other, they will provoke second, third-
fourth-order and higher-order effects, cascading effects, and unanticipated outcomes.

By doing so, they will form a "new normal," radically different from the one we will gradually leave behind. Many of our beliefs and assumptions about what the world could or should look like will be shattered in the process. However, broad and radical statements (e.g., "everything will change") and black-and-white "all or nothing" analyses should be applied with great caution. Of course, the reality will be
much more subtle. The pandemic itself may not completely change the world, but it will probably accelerate many of the changes that were already occurring before it broke out, which in turn will set other changes in motion. The only certainty:
change will not be linear, and sharp discontinuities will prevail. "COVID-19: The Great Reset" is an attempt to identify and shed light on the coming changes and to make a modest contribution to determining what their more desirable and sustainable form might look like.

Let's start by putting things in perspective: humans have been around
for about 200,000 years, the oldest bacteria for billions of years, and viruses for at least 300 million years. This means that pandemics have probably always existed and have been
an integral part of human history since humans began to travel; for the past 2,000 years they have been the rule, not the exception. Because of their inherently destructive nature, epidemics have throughout history been the driving force behind lasting and often radical changes: causing unrest, causing population clashes and military defeats, but also triggering innovation, redrawing national borders and often paving the way for revolutions. Outbreaks of disease forced empires to change course, as happened, for example, with the Byzantine Empire, struck by Justinian's plague in 541-542, and some others even disappeared altogether, such as when Aztec and Inca emperors died along with most of their subjects because of germs imported by Europeans.

In addition, authoritative measures to contain disease have always been part of the policy arsenal. Thus, there is nothing new about the restrictions and blockages imposed on much of the world to control COVID-19. It has been common practice for centuries. The earliest forms of restriction came with the quarantine imposed in an attempt to contain the "Black Death" (plague), which between 1347 and 1351 killed about a third of all Europeans...

If such profound social, political, and economic changes
might have been triggered by a plague in the medieval world, could the COVID-19 pandemic mark the beginning of a similar turning point with long-term and dramatic consequences for our world today? Unlike some past epidemics, COVID-19 does not pose a new existential threat. It will not lead to unforeseen mass starvation or major military defeats and regime changes. The entire population will not be wiped out or displaced by the pandemic.
However, this does not equate to a reassuring analysis. In fact, a pandemic would dramatically exacerbate already existing dangers that we have too long failed to adequately confront. It will also accelerate disturbing trends that have accumulated over a long period of time.

To begin to develop a meaningful response, we need a conceptual framework (or a simple mental map) to help us think about and understand what awaits us. The ideas offered by history can be especially helpful. This is why we so often look for a soothing "mental anchor" that can serve as a
reference point when we are forced to ask ourselves difficult questions about what will change and to what extent. In doing so, we look for precedents with questions such as:

Is the pandemic similar to the Spanish flu of 1918 (estimated to have killed more than 50 million people worldwide in three successive waves)?

Could it look like the Great Depression that began in 1929?

Is there any resemblance to the psychological shock caused by 9/11?

Are there similarities to what happened with SARS in 2003 and H1N1 in 2009 (albeit on a different scale)?

Could it be similar to the great financial crisis of 2008, but on a much larger scale?

The correct, welcomed, answer to all of these is: no! None of these is consistent with the scale and nature of the human suffering and economic devastation caused by the current pandemic. The economic consequences, in particular, bear no resemblance to any crisis in modern history. As many heads of state and government noted at the height of the pandemic, we are at war, but with an invisible enemy, and
metaphorically, of course: "If what we are experiencing can really be called a war, it is certainly not a typical war. After all, today's enemy is common to all mankind"...

The broader point is this: the possibilities for change and the resulting new world order are now limitless and limited only by our imagination, for better or for worse...

This volume is a hybrid of a light academic book and an essay. It includes theory and practical examples, but is mainly explanatory, offering many assumptions and ideas about what the post-pandemic world could and perhaps should look like. It offers neither simple generalizations nor recommendations for a world transitioning to a new normal, but we believe it will be useful. This book consists of three main chapters offering a panoramic overview of the future landscape. The first assesses,
what the impact of the pandemic will be on five key macro-level categories: economic, social, geopolitical, environmental, and technological factors. The second examines the micro-level implications for specific industries and companies. The third
hypothesis suggests the nature of possible consequences at the individual level."

So, my analysis of this somewhat abbreviated introduction to the book allows me to draw some conclusions. First, Schwab declared the globalist program "Covid-19" to be the "Great Reset" to completely reshape the existing world order under the "New World Order", the general features of which John Coleman gave us back in his book "The Committee of 300". And this program is designed to overcome the undesirable globalist "failure of global governance and leadership" that befell their previous program.

Also, here is a clear attempt to disguise this anti-human program as natural epidemics. Here, they have already happened in our past and they completely changed the policies of some states, completely destroyed others, and sometimes reformatted the entire world. But all these examples just cause a very strong suspicion that many previous global epidemics and crises such as the "Great Depression" were not random spontaneous processes, but carefully planned actions of a force hostile to humanity in order to promote a multi-stage plan for the complete enslavement of mankind. And it is this force, hostile to humanity, that the hybrid satanic clans of the world "elite" serve.

Another interesting conclusion that the professor-globalist draws is the conclusion about the very real war unleashed against humanity, Except that this war is not at all "metaphorical", but quite real, launched by the globalists together with their masters against all mankind. And since the globalist clans of London City and Wall Street are the masters of Western civilization, Russia was surrounded by bacteriological laboratories of the United States and NATO, placed on the territory of many countries of the former CIS, including Kazakhstan. And not only that the population of all these countries, "lying" together with the national ruling clans under the Satanic clans of the world "elite", are used as "lab rats" for testing new types of biological weapons, so even these weapons are regularly used against our country in recent years. Our military and government officials have already started talking about it.

It is quite understandable that no virus is capable of mutating from several species at once and in such a short period of time. A large number of "mutated" strains only says that they were created artificially in biolaboratories controlled by globalist satanic clans of the world "elite". Servants of these clans have already openly voiced their plans to reduce the number of mankind and to create, by means of genetic experiments, biological cyborgs of the "service human" class - ideal slaves of the ruling "elite", concerned only with fulfilling their service tasks and devoid of anything human. In this case, the funding of the first phase of the program by the globalists will end only on March 31, 2025. The only way to stop their criminal plans is to destroy all the biolaboratories hostile to humanity, from where the biological attacks come in the form of the appearance of rather suspicious "mutating" viruses of all the past decades.

But this alone is not enough, because the parasitic satanic force, hostile to humanity, is bound to come up with some new "trick" to implement its criminal plans. It is necessary to destroy the very source of all the problems and troubles of modern mankind, which has been waging a secret war against it for several centuries, masking its criminal activity under the supposedly "accidental" and "natural" phenomena. Since all this hybrid subhuman together with the degraded subhumans who serve it do not want to give up their anti-human plans, then this problem can only be solved by "reducing" and genetically changing the very parasitic satanic force. And therefore all their weapons must be turned against them.


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