862 - Prince Rurik with his kinsmen and his cohorts came to Ancient Russia, and with him was also the prophetic Oleg. Oleg is "under the patronage of the deity" or "exercising the functions of a priest. Thus, Oleg was a priest and a voivode. There is a version that the surname could derive from the ancient word rarok - falcon. The capital of the Bodrichs was called Rarog and meant falcon. Mecklenburg, which was still Slavic, was called Rurik and also meant falcon.
In the north the Novgorodians, having been ravaged by the Ugrians and by a great pestilence, were led and governed by the prudent elder Gostomysl, and were brought into a prosperous state. After his death they paid tribute to the Vikings, and, as is clear from Nestor, were governed by them in some way, for he says, that the Vikings came for tribute. Novgorodians refused them and began to govern themselves, but fell into great discord and internecine war, one clan revolted against another to get the majority. At last, under Gostomyslov's will having agreed among themselves and kupno with Chudsky near peoples, have chosen and have called Rurik with brothers to themselves on reigning, having told: "Our land is great and plentiful in everything, only deprived of court and punishment which you will confirm". On this petition they hardly bowed, knowing their fickleness and with rudeness connected with willfulness. About a breed of those princes according to Nestorius reasons Pretorius: "Certainly, they not from Denmark or from Sweden have been accepted and that language, customs and ceremonies distinction and a place distances does not allow to believe it, but have been called from neighbors: I think, from Prussia and with them people combined that has made the great state".
Ipatyevsky and Radzivilovsky chronicles state that when the Vikings came to the Novgorod land, first of all they "cut down" the town of Ladoga. In it "sat down" and began to reign Rurik. Consequently, Ladoga is the first capital of the new ruling dynasty of Rurikovich.
"And three brothers were elected with their clans, and took with them all Rus, and came first of all to the Slavs. And they set up the city of Ladoga. And sat the elder, Rurik, in Ladoga, and the other, Sineus, - on the White Lake, and the third, Truvor, - in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was named. After two years died Sineus and his brother Truvor. And Rurik alone took all the power, and came to the Ilmen, and set a city over the Volkhov, and called it Novgorod, and sat there to reign, and began distributing to his men townships and cities - to Polotsk, to Rostov, and to Beloozero. Vikings in these cities - Nakhodniks, and natives in Novgorod - Slavic, in Polotsk - Krivichi, in Rostov - Merya, in Beloozero - all, in Murom - Murom, and above them all reigned Rurik".
The princely, boyar and merchant elite of that time began a desperate resistance to the will of the prophetic elders, who thought to summon "Vikings" for the supreme reigning and return Rus' to its former "attire". That is why it was not from old age or illnesses that the young Sineus and Truvor die, only three years after their summoning.
By the way, in one of the lists of the "Tale of the Slovene and Rus" there is a curious specification: Rurik "cut down" the first capital of the Rurikovich state not in the place where for a long time was the well-known Old Ladoga - on the left bank of the Volkhov lake 12 kilometers from Ladoga, but on an island in the middle of the lake: "...and Rurik put his capital on the lake Ladoga island...". Further Ioakimov chronicle informs about something absolutely unexpected: Rurik had been married a long time ago and he had a few wives. And more than others, he loved Yefande, a "Urmanian" (Urmanian can be translated also as "Murmansk woman", i.e. a native of the Murmansk land, where probably lived Vikings, or as "Norman", i.e. "Norwegian", which was caught by "historian" Miller in his Norman theory; also: Urman is a dense mixed taiga dark-coniferous forest in Western and Middle Siberia). It was Efanda who gave birth to Igor, who was destined to continue the dynasty of Rurikovich.
"Rurik had a number of wives, but most of all he loved Yefanda, the daughter of the prince of Urman, and when she bore a son Igor, he gave her the promised castle near the sea with Izhar in voyage."
There is an opinion that Sineus and Truvor did not exist, and the news about them is a result of a foreign text misread by the Russian chronicler, who reports that Rurik came to the land of the Slavs with his house (Sineus-hus) and his loyal retinue (Truvor). But in Etruria there is a sarcophagus of Akaki Truvor - a clear confirmation of the validity of the chronicler's opinion. The Grand Duke of the land of Russ, who ruled in Izborsk, the younger brother of Rurik, Akaki Truvor nicknamed "Goat", found his rest in Etruria, in one of its tombs, in a luxurious carved stone sarcophagus, standing next to the sarcophagi of Rurik and Sineus and the reliquary of Rurik.
872 (864) - Vadim Brave, the legendary leader of Novgorodians, who has expelled from Novgorod former Vikings, collecting with Novgorodian tribute has died. Discrepancy in dates is connected to that year 6372 in the annals is given in the Bulgarian chronology, therefore it is necessary to deduct 5500 years.
"And tribute to Vikings from the husband on white veveritsy, and who were at them, that you violence to Slovenes, Kriviches, and Measureans and Chudes. And the Slovene, and the Krivichi, and the Meri, and the Chud, rose up against the Vikings and banished me beyond the sea".
/ Novgorod chronicle
Tatischev has suggested, that legendary Vadim Brave (on the basis of the lost sources told in Nikon annals), was the grandson of the Novgorod elder (from one of unnamed daughters) and, hence, cousin of Rurik.
In 872 Vadim the Brave was killed by Rurik, and a lot of his supporters (and wise men) fled from Novgorod, some of them probably reached Kiev. Perhaps among them was that anonymous sorcerer, who then predicted Oleg's "death from his horse".
"The son of Oskoldov was killed by the Bulgars. The same summer the Novgorodians were offended, saying "to be our slaves and suffer many evils from Rurik and his sort". The same summer Rurik killed Vadim the Brave, and many other Novgorodians, his counsels". / Nikon's Chronicle
Novgorodians fled from Rurik to Kiev. Consequently, Kiev was completely independent of Novgorod, if the political fugitives could find refuge there. The fact itself is also noteworthy: it turns out that even in the first pages of the history of the Russians we encounter a "political asylum".
882 - the beginning of the reign of Oleg in Kiev, luring in and killing the former rulers Askold and Dir. Having conquered Kievan Rus, Oleg united it with Slovenia and transferred the capital to Kiev, becoming the Russian prince. Since that time Slovenia was also called Russia, because it became part of Kievan Rus.
According to the annals, around 874 Askold and Dir made a second campaign to Tsargrad (Constantinople), during which they adopted Christianity.
"These asked to let them go with their clan and their people to Tsargrad to seek greater fortune by war. On dismissal have undertaken a way on Dnepr down by courts. In the land of Polyana on mountain have seen a city and there inhabitants have asked to whom it is subjected? On this from inhabitants the answer was that three brothers - Kiy, Schek and Chorev - have constructed this city in the name of the senior and already they were gone. Inhabitants pay a tribute to kozars. Oskold and Dir settled in Kiev, added a lot of Vikings and began reigning over the Polans, not depending on Rurik. Having reigned seventeen years in Novgorod, Rurik quietly reached his end. Dying he entrusted his son, still an infant, Igor and with him a reign to his cousin Oleg. This after his death, desiring to multiply Igor's inheritance and to unite the one tribe of the Slavic peoples under one dominion, gathered an army of the Varangians, the Slavs and the Chuds, and took some of the Krivichi and came with them to Smolensk, and subdued the city and the Krivichi land and put their rulers in. From there, he went down the Dnieper and took Lubech, and entrusted his governors with the rule. Approaching Kiev, where Oskold and Dir were reigning, he concealed a part of the army in the ships, and left another part behind. And as sailed under Ugorskoe near Kiev, has sent to Oskold and Dir with a message that there go merchants to Greece from Oleg and from Igor, for that they would see the cousins. Oskold and Dir, not having any suspicion, came to courts with small quantity of people with that, maybe, intention, that passers-by that to caress and attach to inhabitants Kiev. Suddenly shut in courts have jumped out with a gun and have surrounded Oskold and Dir. Then Oleg, having shown Igor, has declared: " This is the son and the successor Rurik; you are not a princely sort and to reign to you should not ". And here under Oleg's command Oskold and Dir are killed. Their bodies are taken on mountain, that is named Ugorskoe. On Oskold's grave is put then church of sacred Nikolay; Dir's grave - behind sacred Irene. After their death has sat Oleg on reigning in Kiev and has named as capital all cities possessed by Russ. And by this name Polans and other neighboring Slavs called his possessions."
In Kiev, Askold's grave, part of the park on the right bank of the Dnieper, was preserved.
Joachim writes somewhat differently:
"The Slavs living along the Dnieper, called Polians and Gorians, being oppressed by the Kazars, and their city of Kiev and the rest of them possessing, plus heavy tribute and being exhausted by works, they sent to Rurik the foremen to ask him to send to them a son or another prince to be prince. It has given them Oskold and soldiers with it have released. Oskold, having gone, possessed Kiev and, having collected forces, fought first against kozar, then went in boats to Tsargrad, but storm on sea his ships were broken. And returning, he sent to Tsargrad to the king... " further signed in the margins: lost in the annals of two sheets. "And when he saw the son of Ingorius very young, he delivered the reigning and his son to his brother in law Olg, barbarian of Suscia, prince of Urman... Oleg was a wise man and a brave warrior, hearing from Kievers complaints about Oskold and envying his domain, he took Ingor, and marched with an army to Kiev. But blessed Oskold betrayed Kievanites and was killed and buried on the mountain, and go there was a church of saint Nikolas, but Svyatoslav ruined it, as they say ...".
"Though Joachim precisely did not name him as the son of Rurik, but the circumstance asserts, for Kievers would not have asked for a son, if he had not been. Ingor then either was not born, or was in diapers. And as Oskold was Rurik's princess stepson, a Sarmatian tyrant, Nestor, not understanding this word, changed it to Dir, and made from one name two: Oskold and Dir" / Tatishchev "History of Russia".
In the "Hymn of Bojan", a Ladoga runic document, it directly says that "Dir the warrior was to our torment, he was a barbarian, and of Greek descent...".
From these annals undoubtedly follows that Kievan Rus of Askold's time was completely independent (and, probably, quite strong) state, fighting under the leadership of Askold with Byzantium, Volga Bulgars, Pechenegs, Polochians and Krivichi. Already the volume of the geography of its neighbors shows that it was not only the Kiev land, but the whole of Southern and partly Middle Russia. The fact that the Novgorodians fled to Kiev from Novgorod shows that Kiev was independent of Novgorod, Rurik's power did not extend to Kiev. At the same time Kiev was not something completely "foreign" for the Novgorodian.
903 - the year of the prophecy to Prophetic Oleg.
912 is the year of Prophetic Oleg's death.
"And Oleg lived, reigning in Kiev, having peace with all the countries. And the autumn has come, and Oleg has recollected horse, which before has put to feed, having decided never to sit down on it. For he asked the wise men and the sorcerers, "From what shall I die?" And one of the sorcerers said to him, "Prince, your favorite horse, which you ride on, is the one by which you must die!" These words stuck in Oleg's soul, and he said, "I will never sit on it, and I will never see it again. And commanded to feed him and not to bring him to him, and he lived some years without seeing him, until he went to the Greeks. And when he returned to Kiev, and four years had passed, on the fifth year he remembered his horse, from which the wise men had foretold his death. And he called the elder of the stablemen and said: "Where is my horse that I commanded him to feed and preserve?" And he answered, "Dead." Oleg laughed and reproached the wise man, saying: "Falsely speak wise men, but all that is a lie: the horse has died, and I am alive". And he ordered him to saddle his horse: "Let me see his bones. And he came to the place where his bare bones and his bare skull lay, got off his horse, laughed, and said: "From this skull shall I accept death?" And he stepped with his foot upon the skull, and a snake crawled out of the skull and stung him in the foot. And because of this he became ill and died. And all the people mourned for him with great lament, and they carried him, and buried him on the mountain called Szekowica; and there is his grave to this day, it is known as Oleh's grave. And all the years of his reign were thirty and three. And his grave was visible at the time of Nestor the chronicler.
In the Novgorod First Annals (younger edition) the story of Prophetic Oleg's death is told somewhat differently. "And they called Oleg and the things of Oleg; and the people were swindled and unchallenged. Goeth Oleg to Novugorod, and from there to Ladoga. Druzii said, as going to it for sea, and has bitten the snake in a foot, and from that has died: is possible it in Ladoga ". It turns out that Prince Oleg died in Ladoga on the way to Novgorod. Let's remind, Staraya Ladoga is the first capital Rurikovich, and here Oleg was buried. Here is also his grave, which, by the way, guides show a few tourists to this day.
912 - The beginning of the reign of Igor, son of Rurik, in Kiev. He was a pupil of Oleg, and married his relative from near Pskov, named Olga. Nestor has named him simply as a kinsman ("from his lineage Suscha"), Joachim specifies: Oleg is a brother-in-law, that is a brother of one of Rurik's wives, most likely of all Ephandias. It was he who found a wife for Igor in Pskov shtetl. The name of the future Russian saint was Beautiful. But Oleg for some unclear reason renamed her and called her by her own name Olga. In Joachim it is written that Olga-Prekrasa was not of simple rank, but of Gostomysl's family.
"When Ingor grew old, and Oleg married him, they made a wife for him of the Izborsk family of Gostomysl, and her name was Prekras, and Oleg renamed her, and called her his name Olga; Igor then had other wives, but he honoured Olga for her wisdom more than any others". / Joachim's Chronicle /
Tatishchev specifies in a footnote: Olga is Gostomysl's granddaughter and was born from his eldest daughter somewhere near Izborsk. True light to all these enigmas and inconsistencies throws light on the news of the Typographical Chronicle, so called because one of its most famous copies originally belonged to the Synodal printing press. Here it is explicitly stated that the future Princess Olga was the daughter of Oleg the Prophetic. In this case again arises a question about the degree of kinship and the rights of power inheritance between Gostomysl and Oleg, one of the most prominent figures in early Russian history. If we accept Tatishchev's interpretation: Olga is Gostomysl's granddaughter by his eldest daughter, then it inevitably comes out that the father of this daughter is Prophetic Oleg, whose figure is comparable to any of the representatives of the Rurik dynasties and leaves the overwhelming majority of them far behind. Hence his legal rights to the reign. So, maybe this fact was carefully omitted from the chronicles by subsequent censors, so that Novgorod residents would not be tempted to assert their rights to priority in the supreme power?
There is no doubt that the genealogical tree of Rurik originally did not look like it was presented a millennium later. It is not difficult to assume that since the founder of the first Russian great-princely and royal dynasty had many wives, then, consequently, there were many children (not just Igor, anyway, as it follows from the proofread and corrected "Tale of Bygone Years"). This is confirmed by one of the few authentic documents, preserved in the Nestorian Chronicle, Igor's agreement with the Byzantines in 945. Subsequent "editors" blundered and did not pay attention to the list of names: about three - Sluda, Ulebe and Akun, present at the signing of the contract in Constantinople, it is said that they are ambassadors from nephews of Igor, that is children of his sister (sisters). The text says: "neti Igorev"; "neti" meant in antiquity a nephew from his sister's side. Participation in a diplomatic mission testifies to a sufficiently high and stable place of Igor's nephews (and Rurik's grandsons) at the grand-ducal court. Unfortunately, nothing is known about their future fate as well as the fate of their descendants (if the branch was not soon interrupted).
In 945, in the age of 68 years, in 33 years from the beginning of his reign, Igor was killed in the lands of Drevlyan, and Olga ruled the great princedom for 12 years, until her and Igor's son Svetoslav grew up, in 945 he was about ten years old.
Revolt of Drevlyanian was the first in a series of annalistic history of Russia - and exactly 960 years later, in 1905, we see the "first revolution" in the reign of the last ruler-captain of Russia, Nicholas II.
915 - Kiev unilaterally dissolves its alliance with the Pechenegs, and they attacked Kiev in the fall of 915. Why? At that time, there were dozens of Russian cities on the border with the steppe, but it was Kiev that was attacked. None of the surviving chronicles tells about it, which is very strange. The answer can only be one: Pechenegs were outraged not only because of the breakdown of diplomatic relations with them, but also because of the direct betrayal of the Kiev elite, which after the death of Oleg began to get closer to the Khazaria. This is indicated by the appearance of a large Jewish community in Kiev, just as it existed under Prince Askold. And 4 years after the attack of Pechenegs at Kiev, Khazaria begins a great war with Byzantium and Russia. Her commander Pesach with a strong Muslim army invades the Black Sea possessions of Byzantium and takes one by one all its cities. Where their army moved, only charred ruins remained. Having finished with the Byzantines in the Crimea, Pesach threw his army into Russia. At Samkerets, on the Taman Peninsula, he defeated the Russian army and moved on Kiev. The Khazars' siege of Kiev was short-lived. During it riots began in support of the Khazars, not only among Jews, but also among Kiev Christians. Frightened by the outbreak of turmoil, Igor was forced to conclude with Khazaria shameful peace treaty. Under this contract, in all cities under Kiev's control Russian authorities were not to prevent the appearance of usurious offices. And the ruler of Kiev was obliged to protect them from reprisals,from their own fellow citizens.
941 - Seeing the obvious weakening of Kiev, Constantinople refuses to accept the 907 peace treaty. And Kiev was forced to begin military action against the empire. On 500 ships to Constantinople Russian twenty thousandth army moved. But, in spite of the strictest secrecy, the appearance of the Russian fleet at the walls of their capital for the Greeks was no surprise. As a result the campaign of Russian armies has come to the end with full defeat. If to believe the Byzantium chronicles, the captured Russian soldiers at first were blinded, tortured, and then executed. The Byzantines, for some reason, ceased to fear Kiev. Whence came to them such disdain and fearlessness in relation to Russ?
Exactly 1000 years later, in 1941 we witness almost a full repetition of events: Hitler unilaterally ruptures the non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union, and the Russian army suffers huge losses in killed and captured as a result of the betrayal. At the same time Germany is absolutely sure of its victory.
942 is the approximate year of birth of Svetoslav Igorevich, the son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga. It is considered, that Olga has given birth to Svetoslav in 39 years. But why Pushkin married them while Oleg was still alive? According to Vedic laws it was possible to marry a girl not earlier than 18 years, well at most in 16.
Ladles round and round, foaming and hissing
At Oleg's deplorable funeral:
Prince Igor and Olga sit on a hill;
The troops feast on the shore;
The warriors are remembering the days gone by
And the battles where they fought together.
The question arises - how many years old did Olga give birth to Svetoslav's younger brother - Vladislav? And whence so many stories about Olga's miraculous rejuvenation? And Joachim's Chronicle directly says that in addition to Olga, Igor had more wives, because according to the ancient Russian Vedic tradition allowed polygamous families, where all women, whether they gave birth to children or not, were considered mothers anyway. Light people are a dark story.
942 - Prince Igor sends his embassy to the princes of southern Russia and restores the former peace treaty with the Pechenegs. Having united two armies: the Russian and Pechenegian, the Kievan governor together with the princes-allies and the Baltic Russians, his relatives, in 943 moved his army into the Byzantine empire. Igor flamed with anger and revenge. In Russia to mock the captives was considered the greatest sin. But the Byzantines knew about the campaign beforehand! In the annals it is told, that inhabitants of Chersonese have notified emperor that on Constantinople again goes Russian fleet. How? Did they fly from the Crimea to the capital by plane? Apparently it is not about the "inhabitants of Chersonesos. Especially since the mouth of the Dnieper is closer to the Bosporus than Tauris. Not had time for the Russian fleet to go to sea, as the Byzantine nobles have arrived to prince. They began to persuade it not to go to Constantinople. To limit himself to the tribute that Oleg once took.
945 - The year of the murder of Prince Igor in the lands of Drevlyan before Korosten.
... was at him notable colonel name Svendel'd, to whom out of special love and mercy has given in possession the Drevlyan ground, got and saddled with tribute before the campaigns on Greece. Svendeld took on black kuna from smoke and that rather has enriched. Igor's commanders who were at war with it Greece, being jealous of that, spoke prince, that it has presented so much to one person and serving Svendeld are decorated with weapon and a dress, and they are naked. So they advised to go to Drevlyanian to collect a tribute for him and their own lucre. Igor, having listened to advice, has gone with the deliberate army to add more to the first tribute. On much shown violence has gone back to Kiev, however still to Drevlyanian for greater self-interest with small quantity of people has turned, despite of their negative representations. Drevlyaniani agreed with their prince, whose name was Malom, "that when the wolf gets used to kidnap the sheep, he carries out the entire flock, until he is killed. So, arming on Igor, before Korosten, the main city, it and former with it have killed. / STY.
But it contradicts any common sense. First, if Igor has decided to take a tribute on the second circle, it, as the clever person, wouldn't release a team, and on the contrary, being afraid of excitement of people, it would strengthen. Secondly, in Laurentian annals it is directly told, that Igor was buried with honors by Drevlyanian. Why bury the enemy with honors? Thirdly, to send the ruler of Rus to the other world so easily, it was necessary to have guarantees. Guarantees of that the army of Kiev will not fall upon the land of Drevlyanian and their capital city - Iskorosten. Who could give such guarantees to drevlyan prince Malu?
There is Bulgarian annals in which it is said that the Kiev princess Olga was from the coast of Danube from a place called Plesna, she was the representative of a noble Bulgarian sort, which roots, according to her mother, come from the Byzantine emperor Leo Isavrjanin, the same one who tried to christen the Byzantine Jews. Then all the events described take an unexpected turn, explaining why Igor was buried with honors by the Drevlyans in Iskorosten.
957 - Princess Olga has accepted Christianity. Olga was baptized by emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus and has received Christian name Elena, in honor of mother of empire Emperor Constantine the Great.
Record STY under 955 apparently not exact; besides in the book of the Byzantium emperor of those years Constantine Porphyrogenitus "The Description of imperial ceremonial" this year, and September 9 as day when he has accepted Olga and her embassy in Constantinople is specified.
But many do not know that she was baptized several times. After making a treaty with Tavria, now called Crimea, she converted to Arian Christianity. Then she went to Europe, and in Spain she converted to Catholic Christianity. When she came to Northern France and made a treaty of peace and friendship there, she embraced Johannine Christianity.
967 - Total defeat by prince Svetoslav of Jewish Khazaria. In STY is dryly informed:
"In year 6473 (965) Svyatoslav has gone on Khazar. Upon hearing, the Khazars came out to meet, led by their prince Kagan, and came together to fight, and in the battle Svyatoslav defeated the Khazars, and their capital and the White Tower took.
Taking Sarkel (White Tower) Svetoslav finally blocked the Great Silk Road (on the Don and on Taman, two Russian fortresses), depriving Jewish merchants of huge profits. Fall Sarkel the history of Khazar Khaganate has come to the end.
1024 years later the Belovezhskoe agreement was signed, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the USSR.
source history