In the Bulgarian-Byzantine campaign of Svetoslav participated 4,000 Pechenezh knights, with Pechenegs besieging Kiev. Something does not add up. But, as we know, before that a powerful Christian rebellion broke out in Kiev. Pretich, whom Svetoslav left with a small company in Kiev, got confused: the revolt was raised by the prince's close relatives. Therefore Pretich left Kiev with his troops. He crossed to the left bank of the Dnieper, where the Pechenegs were, and began to wait for the arrival of Svetoslav. Badjanaks, meanwhile, took Kiev in a ring, and left only after the arrival of Svetoslav. The Christian chronicles curse Svetoslav, that he, coming to the capital of Rus and burying his mother Olga in 969, destroyed all the Christian churches in Kiev. But Svetoslav only put to fire purely Christian churches. Temples, in which the followers of Christ and the Vedic Rus gathered together, all survived. They survived because before the Russian Christians did not recognize Jesus Christ as God. They just considered him a sorcerer, the same as many other wise men. You can get evidence of this by looking at the ancient Christian temples. There in their stone carvings, and on the frescoes, not only the names of biblical saints, but also the names of the Russian Vedic gods - hypostases of Rod. In Kiev, Svetoslav destroyed the churches of the Khazars and Byzantines. And also, he brought the beautiful Greek woman to Olga's elder grandson, trying to win him over.
"Obviously, the annalistic accounts of Svyatoslav's battles with the Bulgarians in 967 refer not to the Bulgarian kingdom of Peter, not to Bulgaria in general, but to separate feudal possessions like those whose daughters became hostages of the Cesar. The rulers of Pereyaslavets on the Danube, hostile to Svyatoslav, must also be referred to them. Here, on the place of the old palace of the khan Omortag (the middle IX century) the contingents of the Türkic-Bulgarian horsemen, somewhat detached from the rest of the population, might have survived. In the light of the data on the Byzantine supporters among the Bulgarian nobility, we must be extremely cautious about the deliberate statements of the Greek chroniclers about the war of the Russians against the Bulgarians. If the result of Svyatoslav's lower Danube military actions was a contribution to Byzantium (chronicles), then it becomes clear from this - who was the real enemy."
/ B.A. Rybakov
Immediately after the fall of Khazaria, Svetoslav created Tmutarakan Princedom, a buffer zone, which had special psychological conditions for the transition of the Khazar Christians to the Vedic faith, otherwise all this mass would immediately rush into Russia. In Tmutarakan princedom for immigrants were created ideal conditions not only for life, but also for the psychological spiritual revival. Cockroaches were derisively called the Christian compatriots who fled Khazaria, after its defeat, because cockroaches always flee from the house which is abandoned by its masters.
968 - According to the Laurentian Chronicle, commander and prince Svetoslav brings a beautiful Greek woman as a wife to his son Yaropolk from Bulgaria. Yaropolk, according to Christian tradition (he is known to have been baptized) was at least 16 or even 18 years old. But how could Svetoslav in those times give birth to a son at 8-10 years old? He could only adopt.
969 - Princess Olga (893-969) died. Right after her funeral according to Christian rite Svetoslav left disliked by him Kiev for Pereyaslavec on Danube ("For there is the middle of my land, there flows all blessings"), leaving in Kiev his son Yaropolk, at Drevlyan - Oleg, and in Novgorod, at the request of the townspeople, Vladimir - adopted son of Malusha, the mysterious warden. In the early lists of "The Tale of Bygone Years" Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir are not called his sons. It is said that they are Olga's grandsons, but from whom - is unknown. Therefore one can not doubt, that unlike later transcribers of the chronicle and many our contemporary historians both Nestor and his first editor - scribe hegumen Sylvester understood perfectly, how ridiculous it would be to ascribe them to Svetoslav, and to speak about any other children of Olga, except for their only son Igor, it would mean to discredit the princess canonized as a Christian saint. Therefore about her grandchildren it is said evasively. For the saint, all children are grandchildren in Christ. To this it is worth adding, that Olga only gave birth to Svetoslav in her 39th year of marriage (according to the Bulgarian annals - in 49, because before Igor she had already been married). The annals mention a certain Gleb (Olafe), Prince of Novgorod, who might have been either Igor's brother or the eldest son from another wife: "Igor then had other wives, but she honored Olga for her wisdom above all others". Besides in the contract of Igor with Greeks in 945, as a part of Igor's family there is a mention of wife Gleb Sfandra.
According to one version, Gleb executed in Dorostol by Svetoslav, was Olga's son from a runaway Khazar prince whom Byzantines wanted to push through to the throne of Kaganate. And Gleb was executed by Svetoslav for the fact that he let the Byzantine hordes led by John Tzimiskes through the winter passes in the Rhodopes. It turns out that Igor took Olga with his son. But since Gleb was not related to Igor, he had no right to inheritance. Only the right to inherit from his mother and her kin. That is why he apparently converted to Christianity.
Why Oleg led Olga to Igor, after the death of the Khazar prince, is a mystery. Igor had a few wives, therefore Oleg did not see Olga as a special danger, and because of the change of her name probably wanted to change her fate. And if to admit the version that she was his daughter, all becomes more than logical.
971 - capture by prince Svetoslav Pereyaslavl.
"In the year 6472 (964). When Svyatoslav grew up and grew old, he began to collect many brave soldiers. In fact he was brave himself, and walked easily, as pardus, and fought a lot. He did not carry behind himself any carts or pots, he did not cook meat, but finely sliced horse meat, or animal meat, or beef, and roasted on coals, so he ate; he had no tent, but slept, spreading a covering with saddle in heads, - the same were all his other warriors. And he sent to other lands with the words: "I want to go on you. In the year 6479 (971). Svyatoslav has come in Pereyaslavec, and have shut Bulgarian in city. And came out Bulgarians on fight with Svyatoslav, and there was a fight great, and began to overcome Bulgarians. And Svyatoslav told his soldiers: "Here we also shall die: let us stand bravely, brothers and druzhina." And by evening Svyatoslav has overcome, and has taken the city by storm, having told: "This is my city!" And he sent to the Greeks with the words, "I want to march on you and take your capital, as well as this city." And the Greeks said, "We have no strength to resist you, so take a tribute from us for all your men, and tell us how many of you there are, and we will give you according to the number of your men." So Greeks spoke, deceiving Russians, for Greeks are wise till our days. And Svyatoslav has told him: "Us twenty thousand", and has added ten thousand: for there were Russian only ten thousand. And put Greeks against Svyatoslav hundred thousand and did not give a tribute. And went Svyatoslav on Greeks, and they have left against Russian. When Russian have seen them - were strongly frightened of such great set of soldiers, but Svyatoslav has told: "We have nowhere to escape, whether we want or not - should fight. So we shall not disgrace the land Russian, but here we shall lay down our bones, for the dead we do not know disgrace. If we run - the shame will be for us. So we shall not run, but we shall stand strong, and I shall go ahead of you: if my head will fall, take care of yourselves. And soldiers have answered: " Where your head will lay, there and we shall lay down the heads ". And the Russians and Greeks turned on each other. And the regiments fought, and surrounded the Greeks Russian, and there was a fierce fight, and defeated Svyatoslav, and the Greeks fled. And went Svyatoslav to the capital, fighting and destroying other cities, that stand and till now empty ". / STY.
But in the "Chronicle of Rus'" by Leonid Makhnovets there is such a line referring to the events described: "...neither side achieved victory. Negotiations about the peace began...". This is also confirmed by the Byzantine court historian Leo Deacon. He writes that the meeting took place by the Danube bank on July 23, 971, after the day before John Tzimiskes (Byzantine emperor) asked Svetoslav for peace and invited him to his court for talks, but he refused to go there for a reason which hardly needs explanation. Tzimiskes himself had to go to Svetoslav.
Let us turn to the original text:
"The tsar, covered with ceremonial. Gold forging, armor, rode up to the bank of the Istra, followed by many riders, gleaming with gold. Soon Svyatoslav also appeared, crossing the river in a Scythian boat (just another confirmation that the Greeks called Russians as Scythians, if at the end of X century they continued to call them the same). He sat on oars and rowed like all the others, standing out in no way. Appearance he had: average height, not very big and not very small, with bushy eyebrows, blue eyes, with a straight nose, with a shaved head, and with thick long hair, hanging down from the upper lip (mustache). His head was bare, with only a tuft of hair hanging down one side, a sign of nobility; his neck was powerful, his shoulders broad, and his whole figure rather lean. He looked frowning and stern. In one ear hung from him a gold earring, decorated with two pearls with a ruby, inserted between them (a gold earring with a ruby and two pearls, inserted in a lobe of the left ear, where the active points controlling work of heart and brain, just and served as Russ distinctive sign of the prince, which entrusted blood people (ruby) and both of her sources, male and female; voevoda carried in the left ear simply gold earrings, and privy - silver). His clothes were white, which differed in nothing else but marked purity from those of the others. Sitting in the boat on the rowers' bench, he talked a little with the sovereign about the terms of peace and left... The sovereign gladly accepted the terms.
And now you can see how these historical events are presented in the STY by Nestor the Chronicler of the Pechersk monastery: "And he (Svetoslav) sent ambassadors to Caesar in Derester, - for here was Caesar, - saying so: "I want to have peace with you firm and friendship". And, hearing this, Caesar rejoiced and sent him gifts surpassing the first..." etc., etc.
And finally, if you haven't figured out yet, who won. The Alexandrian Chronicle says that during John Tzimiskes' war in Bulgaria, his capital was suddenly besieged by a Russian army. Constantinople was both without an army and without a fleet. The fate of the empire hung in the balance. It was for this reason the Greek emperor urgently asked Svetoslav for peace. And as much as he did not want to, he could not kill him during the negotiations. He needed Svetoslav only alive. About the fact that the Russian commander Pretich, with the entire Russian army besieged the capital of Byzantium, was written also by M. Lomonosov in his work on the history of Russia. It is a pity that his work has reached us only in fragments. Svetoslav's military genius did just as he had planned. John Tzimiskes learned that the Russian army had landed at the walls of his capital after the third battle. Otherwise he would understand Svetoslav's plan and probably with a combat-ready strong army would hurry back to Byzantium. But after the third battle at the walls of Dorostol his army has broken down. The belief in a victory over Russ died down, the transports were full of the wounded, desertion began.
972 - prince Svetoslav died. Until 971 he was tolerant and magnanimous, - but in 971 he was forced to postpone the victory over Christian Byzantium because of the confusion raised by the Christians in Kiev, headed by Yaropolk. Only Oleg did not participate in that dirty business. He was reigning in the land of Drevlyan and did not support his older brother. And he paid for it later. Leaving by ship from Byzantium, Svetoslav was forced to stop at the island of Berezan' at the mouth of the Dnieper. Under the contract with Byzantines here Greeks should bring the contribution which Russian prince has taken from them: weapon, swords, axes, shields and fighting saddles. But Greeks with payment of the tribute were not in a hurry. They evidently procrastinated. That is why the Russian prince had to spend the winter on the coast. Apparently there was another reason why Svetoslav was in no hurry to Kiev. He obviously dreamed to finish with Yaropolk the matter peacefully. For this purpose Russian prince sent to him old Sveneld with the cavalry. Whether Sveneld understood Yaropolk or not is not precisely known. One thing is clear, that Svetoslav in the spring went to Kiev, fearing neither Pechenegian, nor Christian. Therefore he was ambushed. Perhaps Pechenegian Christians together with Khazar Christians participated in the murder of the prince, but not Vedic Pechenegians, who faithfully served the Russian prince.
"In the year 6480 (972). Svyatoslav came to the rapids, and Kurya, prince of the Pechenegs, attacked him. And they killed Svyatoslav, and took his head, and from his skull made a cup, - having chained his skull with gold, they drank from it. And Sveneld came to Kiev to Yaropolk, and it was all the years of Svyatoslav's reign twenty and eight."
/ STY /
...I confess, mother, my soul is full of vague heaviness.
From the death of Prophetic Oleg passed exactly 60 years - the full cycle of the Eastern calendar. On Avestan calendar there was a year Amertat that means Immortality. In Russia there were three his sons to rule.
978 is an approximate year of birth of Yaroslav Wise, the son of Saint Vladimir I and Rogneda Rogvolodovna.
980 - the beginning of Vladimir's reign in Kiev, adopted by prince Svetoslav Igorevich the son of his keywoman Khazarian Malusha. After Suetoslaw's death in 972 Vladimir took part in princely feuds, defeated his elder brother Yaropolk who was killed by Vikings from Vladimir's cohorts.
1019 years later the first president of Russia Boris announces the name of his successor - Vladimir.
989 (988) - the baptism of Kievan Rus by Prince Vladimir. Having baptized Russia, this holy prince issued an order: "Any Russian. who has not worshipped Christ on Sunday in church and has not taken communion with the church wine, will be blotted out to death on Monday!"
This year will defend from the year of Olga's baptism exactly on cycle of the Avestan calendar in 32 years. Thus, the year 957 was a boundary, a sacral beginning of formation of Christian Kievan Rus.
Add 960 years, and we get to 1917, - fatal not only for Russia, but also for Christianity in Russia!
Both of these years are the same according to the Eastern and Avestan calendars: respectively the year of the "Red Snake" and the "Black Crow". The Raven is the totem of the year, and the year is called in Avestan "Tishtriya", or the year of the "Star", and besides the totem it also has a symbol - the Rider on a white horse! Isn't this the horse of the Prophetic Oleg and isn't it the snake that carried him to death!
The millennium of the Baptism of Russia was celebrated in 1988, though there have long been different versions about it. In that August, according to some accounts, a "spear-shaped star" was visible in the East - it was Halley's comet, which appears near the earth once every 76 years. The appearance of the comet was noted in the summer of 989 in many chronicles and chronicles, - Chinese, Armenian, Arabic, Byzantine.
After the baptism of Russia in 988 (989) and the outbreak of civil war, for 12 years the population of Kievan Rus' decreased from 12 million to 3! And then, they were mostly either deep old men, or young children, who were locked in monasteries and brought up in the new Greek faith. And Kievan Rus turned from a power into a state. Therefore, Christian chroniclers are in a sense right in saying that there was no state in Kievan Rus' before baptism. There were not enough forces to suppress the rebellions of the Vedic provinces and guard the Christian missionaries, so Vladimir opened the border, and troops of Swedes, Poles, Greeks, Danes and even Genoese Christians appeared in Russia. Under the guise of defending Christianity, a real intervention began. Cities burned, villages and villages were swept away, sacred groves were cut down by the roots.
This war destroyed Vladimir in 1015. Vladimir conceived to go on a campaign to Novgorod, to punish the disobedient son Yaroslav, a local prince, but died unexpectedly in his suburban village Berestovo (near Kiev) on July 15, 1015. He was buried in the tithe church in Kiev. There is a version that he was killed in Chernigov. Now add 1000 years to this date and move to Kievan Rus.
After exactly 1024 in Russia begins a new era, which, judging by subsequent events, someone very much did not like.
991 - Prince Vladimir began construction of cathedral church of Sacred Virgin, on a place of destruction of martyrs-vikings, the father and the son, killed on July 12, 983. The temple was built and then decorated for five years by specially invited Greek stonecutters and painters who were assisted also by Russian masters. The temple was consecrated on May 12, 996 as a symbol of the continuity of Rus' and Byzantium. The Church of the Mother of God was consecrated in Kiev exactly in the year of the 1000th anniversary of Christ's birth!
996 is significant in the history of the world, because in fact, this year was the 1000th anniversary of the actual birth date in Bethlehem of Jesus Christ - we know that he was born a few years earlier than the "new era", and the Church has never denied it.
Significantly, adding to 996 the main sacred calendar cycles, 384 and 960 years, we get to the most important events for our country; 1380. - 1380 is Kulikovskaya battle, 1956 is the turning point year in the history of the USSR, the year of XX Congress of CPSU, - also the year of the collapse of the world communist and "workers'" movement.
1008 is the date of the oldest Old Testament Code. And the Bible, as a book, did not appear among Eastern Christians until the 18th century. Western (Catholic) Christians - in the 16th century, when a special language for worship was invented - Latin (1582). But it was a translation for the people, called "vulgata. Prior to that, there was a separate Psalter, a separate Apostle, and a separate Gospel.
But most strikingly, the Third Book of Ezra, the last book of the Old Testament, reports that the god Jehovah dictated all history and all his laws, previously lost, to the Levite Ezra, having previously given him a certain drink. This means that all the books of the Bible (94 books in 40 days; including the books of Moses, i.e., the Torah) were dictated to one man and it is his words that almost all of Christianity relies on. The words of one single Jewish prophet, the Levite Ezra (lived in the first century) formed the basis of the world's largest religion, if not one!
This date is interesting from the point of view of karmic astrogeography, as is the following date. By and large, the dates and other associated numbers, provide an additional layer of true reflection of events that have occurred and future events.
1015 - growing civil war of Vedic Russia against Christian Russia led to the fact that Yaroslav the Wise with the army of Great Novgorod against Kiev, against his father. It was caused by the fact that the Varangian army of the prince of Kiev was rampant throughout the country. Smolensk, Pskov, and Novgorod were drenched in blood, Old Ladoga was taken by storm, and Izborsk fell. But there was no war between the son and the father. Someone did not want it...
1015 - the year of Vladimir I's death. According to historical data he died in his suburban village Berestovo (near Kiev) on 15.07.1015, and was buried in the tithe church in Kiev.
Having come to power, Yaroslav the Wise realized the great mistake of his father. He realized that only the most knowledgeable, wise, honest and high-minded people should be at the head of the state, as it was in Russia for many millennia. But what was Yaroslav to do with the numerous newly minted Christians, former shudras-slaves, who under Vladimir received citizenship and took places in the power structures. The only thing that Yaroslav the Wise was able to come up with was the division of his nobility. He managed to gather the surviving representatives of the second estate, which he placed under him on the right. To the left of the prince became the Christian boyars. It was after Yaroslav the Wise that there were always two parties in the Russian nobility. One party (by inheritance) consisted mainly of incorruptible, honest, knowledgeable citizens who knew the laws of government, the other - of roguish, capable of deceit, greedy and completely spiritless. Over time, the right wing of the boyarstvo also converted to Christianity, but did not part with the ancient Vedic tradition. It was with the boyars of the left arm that Tsar Ivan Vasilievich fought. But it destroyed him. It was from the boyarstvo of the left hand came forward Zakharina-Yurievs - the future Romanovs.
But on the other hand, at all times in our long-suffering history, from Yaroslav the Wise to the last of the Romanovs, near the throne have always appeared people from the right boyar wing. These people, as best they could, neutralized by their actions the influence of those for whom Russia was only a tidbit from which to snatch something for themselves.
1032 - the city-fortress of Roden was burned and completely destroyed, in the place where now the village of Mezhirych (Ukraine) is. After a two-year siege, Yaroslav the Wise took it only because there was no way to deliver provisions, and in the fortress began a great pestilence.
"And then fell Roden," the chronicler recounts, "drenched on all sides with burning tar. Everything that was wooden was burned up, and the Khromec ordered to collect the stones in carts, take them away from Rosa, and scatter them in the fields no closer than a mile from the stone. And nobody survived from the kinsmen, those who died from the sea and those still alive, but weakened strongly in the fire together with a tree have burned down. Rosin and Gradig during those two years had time to be prepared so, that neither cunning person, nor other his dregs, how many military men they have collected, cannot capture already". Rosin (Korsun-Shevchenko) and Gradizh (Boguslav) stand to this day.
In the "Tale of Bygone Years" this year is indicated by one phrase - "Yaroslav began to build cities on the Ros.
It seems unbelievable, but something similar happened again in the 20th century. The same village Medvin, which emerged on the site of the former capital of Russia Golun, in March 1917, created its own republic, which did not want to recognize either the provisional government, or the Central Rada, or the whites and reds. A single village of Boguslavschyna held a circular defense for almost four years! Only in February 1921 Medvinka Republic was finally defeated by the 17th Kotovsky cavalry division, famous in the fields of civil war, and even that after a relentless artillery preparation, which lasted for almost a month and a half! In the 30's even Boguslav NKVD was afraid of them. Not a single person dared to be repressed. For one innocent, all would have paid with their lives, or rather, all the bosses of their district department. The Bohuslavites respected the law, but the law, which is the refuge of justice. Therefore they frowned, if someone, without thinking, called the NKVD service a dog: "Why offend an animal faithful to its duties? The dog has no mean character". There is a mountain Totokha in Medvin.
1043 - Yaroslav the Wise collects 420 warships and marches on the Byzantine capital Constantinople.At the head of the fleet Yaroslav puts his son Vladimir, and the experienced Vyshata as naval commander. But Russian fleet has left to Byzantium without due occult Vedic cover. Therefore army of Yaroslav Wise perished, yet not having reached coast of Byzantium. Greeks in the chronicles write, that Nikolay-miracle worker has enchanted going by the sea Russ strong storm. He has swept up and has sunk two thirds of Slavic fleet. Other ships one by one have been destroyed by Greeks. Only twenty ships have returned to Russia. To be convinced that magic still had power it is enough to read "The Story about Igor's regiment".
1054 - Yaroslav the Wise, the Kiev grand duke (since 1019) died. The first period of the life of Yaroslav the Wise is connected with the struggle for the throne of Kiev. As soon as he grew up his father put him as prince in Rostov, and about 1013 after the death of Vysheslav (the eldest son of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich) Yaroslav became the prince of Novgorod. In 1014 he refused to pay tribute to Kiev, which aroused the anger of his father. Vladimir ordered to prepare a campaign to Novgorod, but on July 15, 1015 he died. In the battle on Alta in 1018 Svyatopolk suffered a crushing defeat, and Yaroslav took the Kiev throne.
The Tale of Bygone Years contains a praise of Yaroslav's educational activities. According to the chronicle the prince took care of the translation of the Greek books into the Russian language which formed the basis of the library of the Saint Sophia cathedral. Yaroslav is also ascribed the composition of the first code "Russian Pravda". Around 1050 the first Russian-born metropolitan of Kiev was Hilarion, who defended the independence of his diocese from Constantinople. After the death of Yaroslav the Wise, Hilarion was removed from his post: around 1055 the Chronicle mentions a new metropolitan, sent from Byzantium, - Efrem. After his deposition Ilarion is removed to the Kievo-Pechersk Lavra. Presumably he is mentioned in the Kievo-Pechersk Paterikon, and his blessed death occurred in the year 1067. Hilarion was not canonized, but his name appears in some ancient lists of Russian saints.
Yaroslav the Wise's instruction to his children:
"In the year 6562 (1054). The great Russian prince Yaroslav passed away. While still alive he gave an admonition to his sons, saying to them: "Behold I leave this world, and you, my sons, have love between yourselves, for you are all brothers, from one father and from one mother. And if you live in love among yourselves, God will be with you and will subdue your enemies. And you will live in peace. But if you live in hatred, in quarrels and quarrels, you will perish yourselves and destroy the land of your fathers and grandfathers, who gained it by their great work; but obey your brother, live peacefully. Here I entrust my throne at Kiev to my eldest son and your brother Izyaslav; obey him, as you obeyed me, let him be to you instead of me; and to Svyatoslav I give Chernigov, and to Vsevolod Pereyaslavl, and to Vyacheslav Smolensk". And so he divided between them cities, bequeathing them not to overstep the borders of the inheritances of the other brothers, and not to drive them out, and he said to Izyaslav: "If anyone wants to offend his brother, you shall help him whom they offend. And so he instructed his sons to live in love. He himself was already ill then, and, having come to Vyshgorod, became very ill. Izyaslav then reigned in Turov, and Svyatoslav in Vladimir, and Vsevolod was then at the father, for his father loved him more than all his brothers and kept him to himself. / STY.
1054 - the division of the eastern and western churches. Formation of the Universal (Catholic) and Orthodox (orthodox) churches.
1096 - beginning of the Crusades, wars (1096-1270) in the Middle East (Syria, Palestine, North Africa), organized by the Catholic Church under the banner of fighting against "infidels" (Muslims), liberation of the Holy Sepulchre and the Holy Land (Palestine). After the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, in one of the dungeons, allegedly in the former stables of King Solomon's temple, nine knights "treasure hunters" found something. After this find, they established the Order of the Templars or Templars (Latin templum, French temple). Very quickly the Templar Order became one of the richest spiritual institutions of Western Europe and first mastered the then new banking services - deposits and transactions, which contributed to an extensive network of houses of the Order and a significant military capacity, which guaranteed the safety of storage. The symbol of the Templars was a red cross on a white cloak. Interestingly, after the discovery and establishment of the Knights Templar Order, the Kingdom of Jerusalem soon began to lose its position. If European monarchs tried to fight for it, the Vatican became cold to it for some reason. What is striking is that the silver of the knights came from the caches of ancient civilizations, as its chemical analysis proves. It turned out to be Peruvian.
But as soon as the idea of the knights to unite all the countries of Europe under their financial control began to gain momentum, the Order was dealt a death blow in 1307. Philip IV ordered the arrest of all French Templars, and in 1312 forced the Pope to dissolve the Order. The last Grand Master on charges of heresy was burned. At the stake, the last Master of the Order, Jean de Malet, cursed both the king and Pope Clement V. He predicted their imminent deaths. Apparently, the master understood what was going on: why the Order of the Templars had been destroyed and who was behind it all. So he had no doubts about the death of Philip the Beautiful and the Pope. And the fabulous treasures of the Templars had evaporated.
1101 - Vseslav Brjachislavich, a representative of one of the branches of Vladimir the Saint's tree, his great-grandson (grandson of Vladimir's first-born son Izyaslav from the forced marriage of the amorous prince with Rogneda) died. Vseslav is an exceptionally colorful and memorable person. He received the spirit of indomitable epoch and unbridled passions of his great-grandfather and great-grandmother Polochanka (as it is known, after the abuse of her by Prince Vladimir Rogneda tried to stab the rapist). Even a hundred years after the described events the rightful heir to the throne of Vladimir, who was defeated by his more fortunate kin, is one of the most vivid epic characters in The Tale of Igor's Campaign. Where he is presented not as an ordinary Russian prince, but also as a sorcerer or even a werewolf:
"Vseslav-knyaz (prince) ruled for the people, princes the city, and he prowled like a wolf at night: from Kiev until dawn he reached Tmutarakan', and the great Khors ran across the road like a wolf. In Polotsk they rang the bell at St. Sophia early at matins, and he heard it in Kiev. Though he had a prophetic soul in his impertinent body, he often suffered from distress. To him the soothsayer Boyan has long ago spoken a proverb, wise: "Neither the cunning nor the fortunate ... will escape the judgment of God!"
1113 - Vladimir Monomakh, called to the throne by the Kievers. In 1052 son of Yaroslav the Wise Vsevolod married a Greek princess - the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh (strange as it may seem, neither Russian, nor Greek sources did not save the name of the beautiful chosen one). A year later the young couple had their firstborn son who was named Vladimir. Only after 60 years he had an occasion to ascend the Kiev throne. The love to other lands is traced in the prince's destiny throughout his life, no matter what he said afterwards in his "Edification". Vladimir Monomakh himself married Gita - the daughter of Anglo-Saxon king Harald and had eight children by her. Probably, all these Monomakhovich's - half Anglo-Saxon, one quarter Byzantine Greek - blood affection to the Russian Land and to the Russian culture was relative and had mainly territorial character. In addition, one of the sisters of the ancestor of the Russian monomakh's nest was married to a German king, and another - to a Hungarian one; connections with the Hungarian dynasty were further strengthened with his own daughter.
1113 - a popular revolt in Kiev broke out, during which the houses of usurious Jews, who were engaged in buying and reselling goods, were smashed. After that rebellion Vladimir Monomakh introduced the Statute, which sharply restricted the amount of interest to be paid on credit - no more than 20% per year, and thus undermined the foundations of parasitic entrepreneurship. But being convinced of the insufficiency of these measures he was forced to make a decree: "Today all the Jews shall be expelled from the entire Russian land and shall not let them in from now on. And if they will enter secretly - to rob and kill them freely.
1125 - on May, 19 the prince Vladimir Monomah died. His figure on the background of hundreds and thousands of faceless princes, flashed on the horizon of Russian history, certainly seems almost a Mont Blanc. However his acts and his personality itself, contrary to the efforts of chroniclers and subsequent historians, it is impossible to unequivocally assess. For he is that particular orderer who having ascended the Kiev throne immediately ordered to rewrite "The Tale of Bygone Years" by removing from it unacceptable, from his grand-ducal point of view, unattractive facts and their assessment. That is why it survived in a much later manuscript.
1147 after another German crusade, the capital of the Luticians Retra and the main town of the Obodrites - Veligrad fell.
1147 is the first annalistic mention of the present capital of Russia, Moscow. The monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, erected in the center of Moscow to commemorate its 800th anniversary, has nothing to do with historical reality. The son of Vladimir Monomakh did not stretch out his right hand on his horse and utter the sacramental phrase: "This is where the city will be laid...". The city of Moscow existed a long time ago, and before 1147 had a different name - Kuchko - after the name of the Suzdal boyar and vassal of Yuri Dolgoruky Stepan Ivanovich Kuchka (Kuchko), who owned it at that time. The meeting of the grand duke with his subject on the bank of the Moskva River ended tragically: the duke ordered to kill the boyar for some rudeness or misdemeanor. All the details of this story have been thoroughly scrubbed from the annals. But still V.N. Tatishchev had information that all the commotion broke out because of a love affair between the lustful prince, who had many mistresses everywhere, and Kuchkova's wife.
"Jury, though he had a princess worthy of love and loved her, but also frequently had affairs with many wives of his subjects, and with them had more fun than with the princess, spent nights drinking, and offended many of his nobles, and the young... served him in this with advice and work. Kuchka, the wife of Tyseke of Suzdal, had the most power over him among all his lovers, and he did everything at her pleasure. In fact, the reason for Dolgoruky's appearance in Moscow was settling accounts with the husband of his beloved concubine who tried to put an end to her open adultery: "Having learned that Kuchko put his wife into prison, leaving his army without any definition, Jury with great fury hurriedly went with little people to the river Moscow where Kuchko lived. And when he came, without any inquiry, Kuchko at once killed..." / Tatishchev
On the other hand, one can meet information, that Kuchko became a guard of the revived underground temple of Chernobog. And indeed, Kuchko for no apparent reason refused to let the prince into his little fortress. Then prince, understanding that business serious, has given the order to its storm. During the capture of the fortress Kuchko himself and many of his men were killed, and those who survived, told the prince a terrible secret. The prince ordered to capture all the servants of the god of darkness and cut off their heads, to cover the entrance to the temple with earth, and his warriors to keep silent about what they saw. Soon, in order to forever dissuade the dark people from this place, he ordered the new city-fortress to be built on the bank of the Berenda (Moscow River), and in place of the underground temple of the God of Darkness he ordered the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God to be built. But the Grand Duke, being a military man and a staunch Christian, was afraid to touch the iron statue of Chernobog. This iron image of Chernobog still stands in complete darkness in the middle of his underground temple in the center of the capital.
However, the bloody story did not end there. Kuchka's two sons were sent to Suzdal, and his daughter Ulita was forcibly married off to Andrei Bogolyubsky. The marriage proved short-lived and was soon dissolved and Andrei married for the second time. Later on Princess Ulita together with her brother Yakim took part in a conspiracy against her former husband which ended in his martyrdom.
The Gustynian Chronicle mentions the origin of the name Moscow: "The nets said, as from Mosokha the son of the sixth Aphets our people Slavic came forth and the Moschins are these. Moskva was called from this Moskva all Sarmatians, Russ, Lyakhs, Bohemians, Bulgarians, Slovene came out".
"Summers 2373 (SMZH) Mosokh, the sixth son of the Athets, grandson of Noah, marching from Babylon with his tribe in Asia and Europe over the coast of the Pontus and the Black Sea, spawned Muscovites from his name, and multiplied the people, coming day by day into the midnight countries beyond the Black Sea over the Don, Volga rivers, ... where the Don falls into fields wide by his settlements spread."
/ Masurin Chronicle /
Lomonosov spoke flexibly and diplomatically about the question: whether Mosokh can be called the progenitor of the Slavic tribe in general and of the Russian people in particular. The great Russian did not accept irrevocably, but also did not categorically reject the possibility of a positive answer, leaving "everyone to his own opinion.
1168 - Arkona, a sanctuary on the island of Rügen (Ruyan), once a united pan-Slavic cultural center, was razed to the ground. In the fire collapsed the temple of Sventovit, the temple of all Slavic peoples. It was burned down by the Christian Danish king Voldemar I, nicknamed the Great.
On June 5, 1168 the twelve thousandth Danish army on ships stormed Arcona. The attack began almost simultaneously from all sides - both sea and land. During another attack, the tower and gates were set on fire, and the shortage of water prevented the besiegers from extinguishing the fire. Some inhabitants, seeing their doom, threw themselves into the flames, not wanting to be slaves. King Valdemar I of Denmark ordered an armchair to be taken out and sat in it to watch what was happening. The city fell... The whole host of the temple of Sventovit fell in this unequal battle, all the Magi of Arkona fell in battle, and all the pilgrims who were in the holy city at the time. Only after this monstrous massacre did the foot of Bishop Abesalon set foot on the sacred ground of Arkona, which was strewn with corpses. Arkona was destroyed and the sanctuary of Sventovitus destroyed. Abesalon established 12 churches on the island. The conversion of Ruyan to Christianity began.
At the capture of Arkona, the Danes and Saxons, despite their use of "Greek fire," lost 2/3 of their army. And did the pilgrims do this? Unlikely.
On the island of Rügen you can still find neatly carved heads of horses on the roofs of houses. There on Rügen the ruins of the sacred Arkona are also protected by the German state. On the stand, which hangs near the ramparts of the fortress is written about the beautiful temple of Svetovid. All the names of Slavic towns and villages have been carefully preserved throughout Germany, only they are written in Latin.
In the central Europe war of Christians with Vedic Slavs has come to the end with a victory of the first. Western Russia has ceased to exist. German and Danish kings have attached the Slavic grounds to the states and, having exterminated a local population, have occupied them with the subjects. By some miracle only a handful of Lusatian Serbs survived.
1169 - Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky and his princes smashed and burned to the ground the city of Kiev that became the northern stronghold of Byzantium in the Rus. The temples and all church "piety" were razed to the ground. Andrei Bogolyubsky was preparing Russia for a great fight with Byzantium, but was brutally murdered in his bedroom (1174). The description of the murder, which took place deep in the night, is impossible to read without shuddering.
"...As soon as night came, they ran and seized weapons, and came upon the prince like wild beasts, but as they made their way to his bedroom, fear and trembling pierced them. And they fled from the porch, went down into the cellars, and drank the wine. Satan stirred them up in the cellar and, serving them invisibly, helped to strengthen them in what they had promised him. And so, drunk with wine, they ascended to the porch. Leader of murderers was Peter, son-in-law of Kuchka, Anbal, Ias (Ossetian) by birth, key-keeper, yes Jakim, yes Kuchkovichi - in total number twenty malicious murderers who have entered in sinful plot in that day at Peter, at Kuchka son-in-law, when it was Saturday night on memory of sacred apostles Peter and Paul. When, seizing weapons like fierce beasts, they approached the bedroom where the blessed prince Andrew was reclining, one called out, standing at the door, "My lord! My lord..." And the prince called back, "Who is here?" the same one said: "Procopius..." but in doubt the prince said: "Oh, boy, you are not Procopius." The men ran to the door and saw that the prince was there, and they began to beat at the door and broke it down by force. And the blessed one jumped up and wanted to grab a sword, but there was no sword, for Anbal the key-keeper had taken it that day, and his sword was the sword of St. Boris. And two assassins rushed in and pounced upon him, and the prince threw one under him, and the others, thinking that the prince was defeated, struck their own in the darkness; but then, when they saw the prince, they fought with him, for he was strong. And they cut him down with swords and sabers, and wounded him with a spear, and he cried out: "Oh, woe to you, you dishonorable, why did you resemble Gorser (the murderer of saint Gleb)? What evil have I done to you? If you shed my blood on earth, may God avenge you for my bread." And those dishonorable men, thinking that they had killed him for good, took their wounded man and carried him out, and trembling, they went away. And the prince, suddenly coming out after them, began belching and groaning with inner pain, making his way to the porch. The others, hearing the voice, turned back to him again. And while they were there, one said, "Standing there, I saw through the window of the prince as he walked down from the porch." And they all cried out, "Look for him!" - And they all rushed out to see if the prince was there, where they had left him when they killed him. And they said, "Now we are dead. Hurry up and look for him." And so, burning candles, they found him through a trail of blood. The conspirators searched for a long time - and saw him sitting (behind a ladder post), like a pure lamb. And then the damned jumped up and finished him off. And Peter cut off his right hand. And the prince, looking up to heaven, said: "Lord, into your hands I commit my soul," and he died. He was killed since Saturday night, at dawn, by Sunday morning - the day of the memory of the twelve apostles." / The Radziwill Chronicle /
During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir-Suzdal princedom achieved considerable power and was the strongest in Russia. After the death of Yury Dolgoruky in 1157, Andrei inherited the Kiev throne, but despite the custom, he did not go to live in Kiev. At the same time he took the title of the prince of Rostov, Suzdal, and Vladimir. Relying on his cohorts and the townspeople of Vladimir, in 1162 Andrei expelled from the Rostov-Suzdal land his father's former cohorts and the princes of the other Rurik's tribes. Having become "the autocrat of the whole Suzdal land" he transferred the capital from Suzdal to Vladimir, and his residence - to Bogolyubovo-on-Nerly, which was the nickname he got.
1185 - when Kievan Rus entered a period of fragmentation, the Polovtsians, as defenders of Russia, began to intervene in princely feuds. In 1185 and 1191 the Novgorod-severskiy prince Igor Svyatoslavovich, the son of the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav Olgovich and the hero of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" arranged the antisoviet raids which ended in a major setback, in an effort to free himself from the influence of the Russian army.
1186 - Dvuveriye in Russia was established when Old Believers and Christians without interfering in each other affairs existed.