Today in BioHacking the Planet,...

in hive-143722 •  5 years ago 

I am going to turn you on to a very resourceful resource.

The folks writing for this page are some of the premier biohackers on the planet.

They have taken the science to the garage.

You can do biohacking, too.

He sells kits.


True Story: I Injected Myself With a CRISPR Genetic Enhancement

By Josiah Zayner

If you had asked me to test a CRISPR gene therapy on myself on October 3rd, 2016, I would have told you it was a terrible idea.
Mostly, my reasoning would have revolved around the belief that the Cas9 enzyme in a CRISPR experiment had a small likelihood of cutting your DNA in the wrong place and causing cancer.
Dying for a stupid experiment that might not even work wasn’t something I was into.

On October 3rd, 2017, I injected myself with an experimental CRISPR gene therapy at a scientific conference and live on Facebook.
I didn’t die and I don’t have cancer.

Full story

The Antisense publishes biohacking articles.

If you want the inside scoop on biohacking this is a great resource.

Get your hack on!

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Eeep! 😳

Lol, my exact response when first exposed to this.


But, do I want only the bush/Clinton crime family to know how to do this?
Gotta give it to the kids.

Yeah the Genie is definitely out of the bottle. 😎
