After Midnight Images Hunt | 10% Beneficiary to shy-fox

in hive-144064 •  3 years ago 

It happened after midnight! While waiting for sahur time, we managed to have after midnight pictures hunt nearby. Right after a few minutes of getting down from the hill, we took a little time to do some exposures catch which needed me to stand by the public street, waiting for the vehicles to pass.

I attempted to get the supporting material to make the camera stay steady while it was taking on the photo. As we understood, long exposure photography has much to do with shutter speed which needs a long duration to adjust the elements of images to get them in blurry look or obscure the moving elements. Well, on this chance, I would like to show you some of my attempts at long exposure photography that I captured around Alue Awe, Lhokseumawe.

I continuously took the lowest speed pictures and that was my second experience doing that after midnight and I was glad to see the result. Surely, I still need to learn much more to produce quality pictures of long exposures as it is one of the beautiful genres of photography that I have to master.






CameraNikon D7000
CategoryLong Exposure
LensKit Lens 18-55
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CC coffe.. My favorite coffe when i study at IAIN Lhokseumawe

Good to know that. Thanks

the catch of the night picture is so good bro

thanks for share your adventures photos and explanation with us .