Random Street Photos

in hive-144064 •  4 days ago 

Street is the place where we can meet a lot of people whose acts can be so real in which we can also capture those reals into our perception. That is why, the street photography is so called human interest photo related to natural act from people that we photographed. . I randomly picked the location of my shots that would be considered as the street activity of people. Throughout my shots, at least they can tell us that every person has his own purpose to live with. These subjects focus on behavior in public which can be said as candid photography, but in definition will not be the same. Well! I am not good at explaining you about the theory of this matter, I will prefer to present you some photos of street photography that is commonly involved people activity. As I always, dealing with street photos, I had to be able to find a good chance to capture them in absence of poses and this would allow me to see the real behavior of these people on the street. Many said, it is kind of candid where the object does not realized that they were being photographed and has a possibility to capture the real situation in society circumstance.





CameraNikon D7000
CategoryStreet Photography
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
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Beautiful pictures

These road are clean, green and beautiful. I would be glad if I know the name of the place.