RED Dragonfly

in hive-144064 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Original Photo by @alkhalidi92

On the way to the field to see the High Conservation Value location. @alkhalidi92 found an interesting sight perched on the weeds on the banks of the river. Denden is an Acehnese term, dragonfly is an Indonesian name.


Original Photo by @alkhalidi92

Aceh has various types of dragonflies, both in terms of shape and color. The dragonflies listed in this paper were obtained in an inland location of Cot Calang Hamlet, Riseh Tunong Village, Sawang District, North Aceh Regency.


Original Photo by @alkhalidi92

When viewed at a glance, the dragonfly looks similar to the shape of an airplane. Where the dragonfly body is elongated, combined with the wings and head. So that it resembles the shape of the Garuda Indonesia aircraft.

We are grateful, we are given the gift of Biodiversity from the Creator. So that on every journey we are presented with beautiful views of the creation of the Almighty.

Thank you for the knowledge and input @jamalgayoni and @saifuddin73 and all other steemian



Dalam perjalanan ke lapangan untuk melihat lokasi Nilai Konservasi Tinggi. @alkhalidi92 mendapati pemandangan menarik hinggap di batang ilalang yang terdapat di pinggiran sungai. Denden adalah istilah Aceh, Capung merupakan penamaan Indonesia.

Aceh memiliki beragam jenis Capung, baik dari segi bentuk maupun warnanya. Capung yang tertera dalam tulisan ini diperoleh di lokasi pedalaman Dusun Cot Calang Desa Riseh Tunong Kecamatan Sawang Kabupaten Aceh Utara.

Bila dilihat secara sekilas, Capung terlihat mirip dengan bentuk Pesawat. Dimana tubuh Capung yang memanjang, terkombinasi dengan sayap dan juga kepala. Sehingga menyerupai bentuk maskapai Pesawat Garuda Inonesia.

Bersyukur rasanya, kita diberikan anugerah Keanekaragaman Hayati dari Sang Pencipta. Sehingga disetiap perjalan kita tersuguhkan dengan pemandangan nan indah dari Ciptaan Yang Maha Kuasa.

Terima kasih atas ilmu dan masukannya @jamalgayoni dan @saifuddin73 dan semua steemian lainnya


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This is a beautiful red dragonfly photography, but I see your picture is not perfect.
Improve the quality of your images, so that more people like your posts.

Thanks for the input friend. Grateful for this result, it is understandable because I'm just starting out and not a cameraman background.