in hive-144064 •  7 months ago  (edited)

Aslamulaikum! Hope so my post finds you in best of your health and wealth
Today i want to share my thoughts on very interesting topic
Learning to let things go is sth very hard which we all have gone through in our lives atleast once but we all can't figure it out
If you try to hold things they'll continually pinch you and if you unburden yourself it'll be like a bittersweet.
Letting go is always not an easy task.It is a very painful process At times you feel yourself free but the very next day you start missing.
If you want to find happiness instead of drowning in resentment, be content rather than confused, then you need to let go and live
To All the broken souls and beautiful hearts May ALLAH swt help you heal your heart and progress in your journey ameen inshallah
It's all about priority you give to those things.when they have no impact on your heart and soul you'll not be sorrow that much ..

If you're letting something go then you need to accept what happened and move your thoughts the hell on. Stop trying to change anything about it or 'fix' it or get it back. The thought arises and you dismiss it, "no, enough, it happened, its over" and move on with your day. Move your thoughts to the present and future and out of the past. Dwelling on the past is generally harmful in fact

These are all the words which people used to say us when we ask for help...but the real fact is...our inner child just want to hold on everything....yeah not letting go a person you loved so much is ok ...yeah not letting go an exam you prepared hard for is ok....our inner child doesn't want to accept the reality....our inner child just wants the things to be in that way again ....yeah it is difficult for everyone to face failure in any way...

How many times a certain pain can hurt a man's heart ? What is the right time to let things go?

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