
in hive-144064 •  3 years ago 

In todays world most of the people try to tell you that being an Artist, Musician or following any carrier out of the ordinary will get you nowhere, It is obvious why they say so, In the race of earning money most of the people go for carriers that pay high instead of pursuing what they love . Its sad to see highly talented people struggling, Ancient paintings are sold for millions of dollars while the street artist sells his talent for a few buck. Sure art of ancient artists is worth a lot but that does not mean new art is worth a few bucks only. Every piece of art is beautiful and unique in its own way. Its created with passion, love and determination of a person, look beyond the shapes and colors you will see the emotions of the creator, and that is what makes it beautiful and unique. An artist does not just pour colors on the canvas, he/she pours their emotions, whatever they are feeling while creating leaves an imprint on the canvas but that can only be seen by the eye of a true art lover.

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