The major three types of goals

in hive-144064 •  3 years ago 


Hello people of Beauty Of creativity, hope you all are doing well. On this occasion, I would like to share with you the different types of goals, definitions, and examples for them, so without further ado let's get started.


Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

Goals have a variety of types, each depends on the situation and why that goal was set, sometimes it's to save time, reach a certain level of something, or achieve something which will eventually lead to other things. So to make things more clear I'm going to start putting them each with numbers and examples.

Types of goals

1- Goals for achievement: This outlines the results once you complete the target. Such include: Saving an amount of money at a certain age, a promotion at work after a few years or months, or becoming a manager in the 40s. Achievement goals are mostly the main goals people look forward to achieving.

2- Scaled goals: Specifies activities that have been carried out frequently over time. Such as reading a couple of books each month, three workouts each week, or daily blog making (Which is what I'm doing right now). Several actions of personal improvement can be carried out as scaled goals. These types of goals usually get updated as much as that person could achieve from the previous weeks or months of accomplishing the goals.


Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

3- Time-related goals: This one is indeed pretty famous like the first two, and it's related to a time, might go from a short period of time like minutes or hours and it might be long time-limited goals that might take several years. For instance: You want to finish making a blog after 1 hour from the moment you've said that, or you are planning to make at least between 30K-40K dollars by the next 2 years.


Those were the three major types of goals and for sure I have to bring to your attention that all goals must be played by ear, circumstances keep changing every day, but your goals must stay constant as much as possible in order to read them. Changing goals isn't a bad thing if you've seen something better to you are looking for more but keep changing goals constantly is indeed bad, it will ruin all your plans and you won't be able to keep your foot on solid ground for a while.

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Boc 👍

You have made a great post. We should never forget the purpose of our life and set our life goals well.

That's for sure, there are always lifetime goals and everyone tends to get them done in their time on earth.

Thanks for reading through!