On this bright occasion, I will show you again, who often visit my block, this is a type of caterpillar which is purple in color and decorated with orange stripes and streaks. This is one of the caterpillars that becomes a butterfly from stage to stage. which is done and has a large size and has a lot of hair and in its fur contains extraordinary toxins such as itching, red skin and so on, below are the photos that I took in the aceh forest, hopefully it will attract your attention, happy watching
Hanya ini yang bisa saya harapkan, dan saya berharap Anda semua baik-baik saja. Selalu bahagia bersama keluarga. Salam kreatif saya untuk Pak @blacks MOD Pak @abduhwab ,MOD Pak @photoman ,Semoga komunitas ini terus berkembang dan selalu sukses
KATAGORI | Doleschallia bisaltide |