Hi Stemian! How are you today? This time I am sharing photos of my trip to a historical mosque. Check out the following stories and photos.
When I traveled to Iran, I took time to go to a traditional mosque, that is the Nasir al-Mulk mosque, a mosque located in Shiraz, Iran. This mosque was built around 1876 by order of Mirza Hasan Ali or better known as Nasir ol Molk. He was a ruler during the Qajar dynasty, a dynasty that ruled Iran from 1785 to 1925. The Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, popularly known as the Pink Mosque, has stood for nearly 150 years in the city of Shiraz, Iran.
For those of you who want to travel to the Persian country I highly recommend you to go to that mosque, if you are Muslim you will experience worship on that typical Persian carpet.
Oh ya, you need to note! To see the beautiful interior in this mosque, there are certain times the appearance of colorful lights that cover the entire surface of the mosque. You have to go in the morning because that beautiful light is produced from the reflection of the sun. If you go out during that beautiful light you cannot see it at all.
The following are some of the photos I took during my trip there, I hope you guys like this photo. :)
Camera model : YDXJ 1
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