Mandela art of a necklace by @rumanaafroz.10% to beautycreativity.

in hive-144064 •  4 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Everyone

This is @rumanaafroz, from Bangladesh.

Hello friends how are you?
I hope all are well by the grace of Almighty Allah.
Today I bring you something different. Today I bring you a Mandela design of a necklace. The things I needed to make this art are:

  • Pencil
  • pen
  • Rubber
  • Pencil cutter



First step

In this step I took my necessary materials to hand.


Step 2

In this step I also drew a neck with a pencil.


Step 3

In this step, I drew some size lines on the neck to draw the necklace. Then I drew the penciled areas with a pen.




Step 4

In this step I did a kind of Mandela art on the first line.


Step 5

In this step I did another kind of mandala art in the middle line as well.


6th step

In this step I finished the necklace painting with another Mandela art on the last line of the necklace.



It didn't take me much time to make this art. I drew by watching a friend's tutorial on YouTube. I don't know how good it was but I tried to do it well. If you like my art, please support me by voting and commenting.
I bid farewell here wishing everyone well. Stay well and healthy.

Device (OPPO-A5s)

Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.

Best regards
Rumana Afroz

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অসাধারণ চিত্র অংকন করেছেন দেখে মুগ্ধ হলাম।

অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে সুন্দর মন্তব্যের জন্য।

You drew excellent mandela art. You share step by step. Thanks for sharing. Friend.

Thankyou so much.