BOC:-Seven photographs of Rangan Phule in my blog today.

in hive-144064 •  4 months ago 

Good evening,

Assalamu Alaikum dear community respected blogger brothers and sisters. Friends, how is your day going? Hope your family is having a good day. I am also well with your prayers by the infinite mercy of the creator. Friends, today I am back with a new blog. Today I am here with you seven flower photographs. I like flower photography very much, so I always try to share flower photography with you. Since it comes out, there is an opportunity to collect photographs of flowers from different places.


The flower photographs that I will share with you are collected from a flower garden. This flower garden was located in the area adjacent to Cox's Bazar beach, Jal Tarang Hotel and Restaurant area. This area is the area of ​​Jal Tarang Hotel and Restaurant. There was a colorful flower garden of a very large size. The large size garden is beautifully designed with colorful flower gardens. Especially the trees are very beautiful because they are regularly pruned. I loved seeing the quadrangular garden around.


Moreover, the colors of the flowers were not so bright red. It was a light pink type. It was so beautifully arranged, it looked really good. The flowers were very round and looked so bright from a distance. So I slowly approached the flowers and observed the beautiful garden that looked so beautiful. When something is cared for enough to be cared for, it looks pretty good. And very nice output comes out. There is nothing beyond human harmony. People can succeed in anything if they try.

It's so nice to see when flowers are planted in such a beautiful area with so much care. The nature around us is very beautiful. If we take good care of our nature then this nature gives us much reward. Because when we take care of these plants, they give fruits, give flowers, benefit us in many ways. Which we can enjoy constantly. When I saw such a beautiful flower garden, I couldn't handle the temptation anymore.



I took a lot of beautiful flower photography in a hurry. You will surely understand how beautiful the flowers look by looking at the photographs. I saw the flowers shining in many big cannons. I think these flowers can steal anyone's heart. I am here today with those beautiful flower photographs. I always try to share beautiful photography with you.

We are all very much interested in photography now. If we can do photography, our mind is good. We love it even more if we can share it with everyone. So we take pictures when we see some beautiful scenery. Later, if you share that beautiful moment with everyone, you get a chance to see it and share it with a description through photography.



Hope you guys like every photography I shared today. Don't forget to tell us how you feel. Because your beautiful opinion inspires me a lot to make beautiful beautiful photography. Everyone will be fine and healthy with all the family. I am finishing my writing here today Allah Hafez.



Phone Details

Device NameWiko,T3
LocationCox's Bazar, Bangladesh
CategoryFlower Photography

My Identity



I am Samshun Nahar Hira. My user ID is @samhunnahar. I am connected to you from Cox's Bazar city in Bangladesh. I am a housewife by profession. I also like and love blogging a lot in my free time. I like to cook. Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies. I love to do different types of photography. Besides, I love to sing and write poetry. I am more than happy to share my thoughts with everyone through blogging. For that, I love my life community @Beautycreativity.


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💖Thanks, everyone for visiting my blog.💖

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বেশ ভালোভাবে গুছিয়ে আপনি প্রতিনিয়ত আমাদের মাঝে ফটোগ্রাফি শেয়ার করেন। আজকের ফটোগ্রাফি গুলো আমার কাছে দুর্দান্ত লেগেছে। প্রতিনিয়ত এভাবে শেয়ার করে যাওয়ার জন্য অনেক ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে।

Seeing this photograph you took made me feel better. Your photography is really charming.