Look, when we actually try to accept a matter from above very simply, but some comments make us think a lot personally. I think everyone's thoughts and comments may be different from place to place, but since it is a place of work, there is a bit of an exception attitude in that case it's wise to do this because professionalism can't really be compared to anything else.
In fact, professionalism is so complicated that there is really no value for emotion here and besides, everyone here has to be busy with work, that is the main thing at the end of the day. But if you have defects in your mentality, then you will have to face a lot of bitter experience in many work fields while working in that field. Because it is quite a normal thing.
Emotions, love and other things that prevail in personal life but in work it is wise to keep these things away and also the biggest thing is that I may not like you in real life but in work since we are working together there is the mentality of all of us better to keep one.
Sometimes bitter experiences at work are caused by ourselves. However, I think that since everyone in a workplace is quite educated and everyone is fairly mature in thinking, there are actually many things that everyone can understand at first. But still maybe keep some things quiet for the sake of personality. But that does not mean that that thing should be done continuously.
In fact, the definition of professionalism for me is completely different. I think how much I could be humble in life and how much I could reach people is the biggest thing for me. I think if my karma is right then people will say the right things about me and even then some isolated incidents happen, I think they are part of work. But the main priority should be given to action, from where one can expect something good, it is wise to proceed with understanding. Still, sometimes when something happens, it's better to keep feeling sorry for it.