Wallpaper Thread #1: Tree

in hive-144064 •  2 years ago 

File size 📤:0.8 MB
Resolution 📠:1618×2876
Focal ength 🔭:3.50
Flash⚡:No Flash
White balance ❓:Auto
ISO ⚫:116
Exposure time🔘:1/3000 s

I hope you like it. Feel free to use my image in your content anywhere. Giving credit is not mandatory. Enjoy usage!!



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Good job! You just got yourself a 100% upvote from ACOM. Enjoy!

Valued @ $0.00??
What happened to the delegation??

I thought we were given 2 weeks grace to use them all up?

Hi, @skpixels

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Noted Team. Will take to correction. Thanks!

post muted due to low quality content.