Photography of national bird of Bangladesh || 10% beneficiaries for boc.

in hive-144064 •  last year  (edited)

Hello friends,

Good evening all. Hope you all are healthy. I am also fine by God's grace. Today I'm back with my anothers photography for you all. Now I'm going share with all you guys. Hope you all will like my photography, enjoy as well.


Its scientific name is Copsychus saularis. It is the national bird of Bangladesh. Doyles can be seen everywhere in the rural areas of Bangladesh. They are distinctive black and white birds with long tails that are upright when on the ground or perched conspicuously.



Doyles are also among the many small birds found around settlements in Bangladesh and India. These restless birds always jump on the branches of trees or on the ground in search of food. Their chirping can be heard early in the morning in rural areas. The beauty of Doel village is even more amazing.


They are found mainly in temperate South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, southern China and the Philippines. They are usually found in wooded forests, around cultivated land and near people in populated areas. They are mainly found in rural areas in Bangladesh.


Thank you very much for staying till the end of my post. Hope you like my photography. As you all know I am very fond of photography. I will not talk more today. I'm busy with my study and my family work. That's why I am leaving here today. I want you and your family to be healthy.

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Cute and lovely bird. Its looking calm.

Thank you so much.

I like the bird shown here, friend, because its voice is very melodious.

Thank you so much.

মুগ্ধ হলাম আপনার ফটোগ্রাফি দেখে। সব সময় আপনার ফটোগ্রাফি আমার ভীষণ ভালো লাগে। দারুন কিছু ফটোগ্রাফি আমাদের মাঝে শেয়ার করেছেন। অনেক ভালো লেগেছে আমার কাছে।

আপনার মতামত এর জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।