🌃 Night lighting photography 🌃 || 10% beneficiary @beautycreativity.

in hive-144064 •  3 years ago 

✋ Hello friends, ✋

How are you all, I hope you are well. By the grace of God, I am also well. I came in front of you today like every day. But today I did not bring any art. Tonight I came up with some night lighting photography. It's nice to see such a well-arranged lighting at night. That's why I thought I would share the photography with you. I hope you enjoy the photography.


The day before Eid. There was some marketing left at night so I went out to market. There is a different kind of fun to marketing at night. Since the month of Ramadan and the festival of Eid, all its markets have been beautifully illuminated. Everything is decorated with different lights. Especially the front of the market is decorated with very nice light gates.

When I arrived at the market I saw everything decorated with lots of light. I stood up to do photography. I immediately did some photography. It was great to see the potatoes. So I stood for a while and enjoyed. It was pretty good to see because it was night.

Then I went inside the market. The inside was decorated with a variety of potatoes. Then I started shopping for everything I needed one by one. So I bought some things for a while. After shopping I left for your home. On the way I saw the illumination again. I also enjoyed the time in a very beautiful way. We hope you enjoy the lighting too. I will come back later with something new. All will be well.






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DeviceRedme note 9

Thanks everyone


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Some of the best photography of the night you shared with us today. You have done very well in today's photography

The night lighting system you have presented to us more beautifully through your camera. Thank you for being so clear and sharing so much beautiful photography.

রাতের ছবিগুলো বেশ ভালো দেখাচ্ছে। বিভিন্ন কালারের লাইট হওয়ার কারণে খুবই ভালো লাগতেছে দেখতে। শুভকামনা রইল তোমার জন্য।

You did this photography very nicely at night

You have done some great photography for night lighting, sister. Your photography looks but much more beautiful. Thank you

You had a great night. Love these clicks

I love this colorful photography of lights you show me.