The Screen Addict | OCD

in hive-144064 •  9 days ago 


I revisited As Good as It Gets (1997) yesterday not only because it’s a wonderful, life-affirming film, but also with the intention to – hopefully – explain a little more about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to someone I love.

I’ve had many annoying habits that could be defined as symptoms of OCD for as long as I can remember and although they don’t really bother me personally, the tics can be confusing and aggravating for people close to me. Life is of course generally easier without obsessions and compulsions, so I am slowly but surely winning the battle.

What struck me about AGaIG in the review however, is that the film perfectly captures the best way to deal with the condition. Through love, patience and most of all by having a sense of humor about it, OCD doesn’t have to be a debilitating affliction.

My father, whose genes are coursing through my body, has similar habits and self-imposed rules that might seem odd to others. Whenever we are walking somewhere for example, he insists on walking on the street instead of the sidewalk. A variation on this relatively innocuous routine is featured in AGaIG with Melvin Udall’s inability to step on the cracks between paving stones.

When I was younger, I couldn’t understand why my dad wouldn’t just walk where everyone else was walking, but later in life I grew to understand and even love it. Actually, today I think it is a pretty cool, anti-authoritarian gesture and I find myself doing it as well from time to time.

I am obviously not a medical expert on OCD and I realize there are people out there whose symptoms are much more severe than mine, but I still believe that patience, love and understanding can be very beneficial for all of those affected.

AGaIG is of course so much more than just a reflection on the effects and collateral damage of OCD. It is also a story about love and the nature of friendship. It is a study of relationships and simultaneously a musing over existentialism. It is equal parts Romantic Comedy, Road Movie, and slice-of-life Drama.

Lastly, but definitely not in the least, AGaIG features one of the best – if not THE best – performances by a dog in film ever…


Twitter (X): Robin Logjes | The Screen Addict

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