Why can't I see my community in the explore communities list?

in hive-144703 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Update: got it working

I can see that I created my community here:


But I don't see it on the explore communities list here:


Does anyone know why that might be?

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My guess is that it takes hivemind a few minutes to update.

I think it's showing up now... at least it's showing up in our Communities list that we're testing out


This is why I think at some point it'll be vital to be able to poll the bridge API for confirmations. Not only to allow asynchronous UI elements to update correctly, but to allow third parties to debug.

For now, apart from running your own hivemind node and querying it directly, the only way to determine if a hivemind operation has completed is to poll bridge.account_notifications and match on the timestamp of the original broadcast.


^ This is from some documentation I'm working on.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Great! I was wondering about Hivemind documentation. Good to see you're on it : )

Good point also about the need for confirmation.

Yes! Thank you. I just wasn't patient enough! lol, too excited i guess

It took AGES for ours to show up!


Ours still hasn't shown up in the list of communities: https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-152312

It's been days. Any suggestions @roadscape ?

It needs to have activity before it shows up on the list!

Great, it worked! Thanks a lot!