Under the aforementioned title, Yevgeny Fyodorov wrote, in "Voigny Obzrenye", about the demographic gap that awaits Ukraine because of its insistence on confronting Russia.
The article read: To the last Ukrainian
The main question is when will the losses in the Ukrainian living forces reach the critical limits, after which there can be no talk of any resistance? In the absence of official information, which is hidden for obvious reasons, opinions about the number of dead and wounded differ greatly. At one pole we find Aristovich and his "non-existent losses", to be more precise, they do exist, but not more than 10,000, as he said in the middle of summer; On the other hand, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, spoke at the end of November about 100,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and officers.
The price of the obstinacy of the maniacal Kyiv regime is high for Ukraine, which is now on the brink of demographic catastrophe. There is a slow but sure reduction in the country's population. Ukraine's population, at the beginning of 2022, was just under 37 million. After that, more than 16 million people, mostly women and children, left the country for Europe. Several million more live in the lands that have become part of Russia.
Thus, barely 17-18 million people live in the rest of Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of whom are now on the Eastern Front.
Is it too much or too little for such a population to lose a hundred thousand fighters or more? The question is, of course, rhetorical, given that most of those killed are healthy, young men, and that tens of thousands of combatants will inevitably return from the war disabled. There are fundamental problems that the Kyiv regime will face. The longer Zelensky resists, the less likely it is that the refugees will return home in full.
Many of them have practically and successfully integrated into European reality, finding jobs there, and starting their studies.
The gradual shortage of men of childbearing age, compared to the relatively small population, in the remaining Ukraine will create a demographic gap in the country. Until February 2022, the natural population decline is half a million annually.