"Again & Again" Charm City Kings

in hive-145157 •  5 months ago 

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I'll like to start by thanking the author of the contest @sergeyk for bringing this wonderful opportunity and good day to my fellow steemians amd participant of this contest, it's an honour partaking in this contest with you all. I was really glad when I saw this contest, the first thing that came to my mind was a very interesting movie i'll be sharing that I've watched over and over and over again and again, Trust me you all will love this movie, those who have watched it can relate, those who haven't , go watch it and give me your feedback.

The Title Of The Movie

I know most of y'all will be desperate to hear about the movie I've been hyping but guess what, the hype is worth it. The title of the movie is Charm City Kings. The movie is a documentary drama, a comedy, romance and a little bit of action. If you're type of person that loves just action movies, you'll still love this regardless
I think the movie was directed by Manuel Soto, Manuel Soto also directed some other movies like Blue Beetle, the wrecking crew, dinner party, that's all I know about.

The Plot of the Movie

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The movie is about a 14 year old mouse who libes with his single mother and younger sister. Mouse got interested in motorbikes just lie his elder brother because it was a thing in his hood but his mother disapproves it because his elder brother (Stro) died in a biking accident at the age of 17. There was an event called "The Ride" where people comes out once a week with their bikes and motorbike to do stunts in the hood.

Mouse mother would not let him go to the event but will sneak out to go with his friends Lamont and sweartagawd after bribing his sister. After purchasing a new motorbike, mouth met a new girl down the street (Nicki) who was interested in photography. Mouse invited her to the ride where he tried to make a stunt unsuccessfully and crashed, they later witness a biker gang known as the Midnight Clique led by the cops on a high way chase and escaped in a fancy way. One of the Bikers was Blax who just got out of prison.

Mouse, Lamont and Sweartagawd went to see the Midnight Clique at their base later that night and was chased away, Mouse later met Blax outside in a shop where he repairs bikes for the Midnight Clique, Blax recognize him through his brother Stro who was a member of the Midnight Clique, he took mouse in and gave him a box of tools and some scraps to build his own bike.
Mouse asks if Blax would provide Lamont and Sweartagawd with the same scraps, Blax agreed because he was impressed with his loyalty. Mouse starts ditching his job at the Vet to spend more time at Blax's auto shop.

Blax asks Mouse to deliver a rebuilt high end bike to a customer across town. Mouse then decided to drive it to Nicki's house and picks her up for a joyride. They met Derrick, an old friend of Stro's, who asks for a quick ride around the block, Mouse couldn't say no and gave him the bike, and Derrick took off with the bike. He didn't know how to explain to Blax, Mouse goes to Lamont and Sweartagawd for help, who inform him that Derrick is notorious for chopping up bikes and selling the parts. The three confront Derrick at his chop shop to ask for the bike back, he pulled a gun on them and tells them to leave. The Midnight Clique arrived led by Blax who knew everything, warn Derrick to never steal from them again. Lamont, whom Derrick had pulled the gun on before, attacked the defenseless Derrick and nearly beats him to death before a Clique member holds him back.

Blax was angry with Mouse and told him he was not allowed to work on building his bike anymore and will have to work hard around the shop to earn his respect back. Mouse, who is concerned about his mother falling behind on bills, instead asks Blax to get him on the auto shop payroll; Blax refuses. Mouse quits working at the shop and he, Lamont, and Sweartagawd joined the Midnight Clique's drug delivery operation, the Clique loans them brand-new bikes and pays them well. Nicki approaches Mouse in a park to give him a picture she took of him, but he acts uninterested, riding off with another girl. Meanwhile, Rivers keeps tailing him around town and pestering him about his activities, Mouse told him to leave him alone. Rivers payed a visit to Blax in his shop and warned him to stay away from Mouse, considering him a bad influence on the teen.

Mouse's mother finds his hidden stash of hundred dollar bills, and after he refuses to tell her where it came from she kicks him out of the house, Mouse moves in with Sweartagawd. Lamont hatches a plan to rob a local convenience store to prove their worth to the Clique, Mouse and a hesitant Sweartagawd agree. They ask the Clique for a gun, who gives them one, Blax notices and demands that the Clique leave Mouse alone, but they refuse as he's a skilled rider for their operation.

Blax summons Mouse to the garage to confront him, but Mouse notices something is wrong with Blax's dog and insists they go to the vet immediately. The vet explains that surgery would likely cause more complications for the dog, who is old, but ultimately leaves the decision of either surgery or sorrow to Blax, Blax agreed to put his dog down, but only if Mouse does it, which he successfully does. Blax then explains the truth of Stro's death to Mouse: Blax offered him a job running drugs, and Stro died during the job. After hearing this Mouse left angrily.

As Mouse and his friends prepare the convenience store robbery, Lamont takes the gun, but Mouse insists they do not fire it. The robbery goes wrong when Lamont accidentally fires a shot and the owner's wife returns fire, killing Sweartagawd. Mouse and Lamont flee separately as Detective Rivers, who had been following Mouse chased him. Mouse heads to Blax's shop and explains everything as Rivers pulls up to the shop with backup. Blax tells Mouse to change into a worker's uniform as an apprentice and takes the fault for the robbery. Rivers, despite knowing the truth, arrested Blax. Rivers gives Mouse a ride home, where he reconciles with his mother.

A year later, Mouse has returned to working at the vet and adopted Blax's dog. He reconnects with Nicki and apologized for his past behavior, she agreed to meet up with him again. Mouse runs into Lamont on the street but they have little to say to each other, having drifted apart. Mouse returns home to surprise his mother with fresh groceries and that was the end of the movie. Interesting isn't it, now you know why I've watched the movie couple of times.

Characters of the Movie

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I'll be giving some details about the characters (Casts) in the movie, they are all special in their ways:

  • Mouse
  • Terri
  • Sweartagawd & Lamont
  • Blax
  • Detective Rivers
  • Jamal, Queen & Derrick
  • Nicki
  • Shay

These are some of the main characters of the movie and I'll be talking about them.


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Maureen known as mouse is the main character of the movie, the protagonist many will say. Mouse role was played by American actor Jahi Di'Allo Winston
He got his name mouse from a funny event when he was about 4 or 5, there was a mouse in their house and his mom would go crazy setting traps and all not knowing he had caught the mouse the whole time, put it in a shoe box and kept it in his closet, he has been called mouse ever since then.


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Terri was Mouse's Mom played by Teyonah Parris, She was a single mom always attending night classes, just to get a degree and a good job to cater for her son and daughter, She was a really good mom who wants the best for her son after loosing her first child to a group of bikers he rolled with, all she tried to do was help mouse become a vet as he had interest in taking care of animals when he was younger and not follow the footstep of his older brother. She was a protective mom to mouse trying her best to keep him away from the bikers and giving him a good life.

Lamont & Sweartagawd

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They are Mouse close friends in the hood, they do all things together even though they do stay in different apartments, they were his best buddies. Sweartagawd is the big guy with the jokes on him, his nickname was given to him because he was always saying the word "Swear ta gawd".

Unfortunately his roll in the movie was cut short because of a robbery they attempted to steal from a nearby store whose owner was a Chinese so they could get money to prove themselves to the mid night clique, they felt it would be an easier target for them not knowing the chinese owners had guns for protection, during the robbery while trying to steal the money, they got in a gun fight with the restaurant owners and sweartagawd was shot Dead.

Lamont on the other hand ran away with mouse and ended up being a part of the midnight clique.


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Blax was the leader of the Midnight clique, his roll was played by Meek Mill. He was blamed for the murder of mouse brother (Stro) for "putting him on" this means he gave Stro drugs and places to go get money from and in one of his operations, the cops got involved and Stro died in a bike accident running away from the cops at the age of 17.

Blax was arrested and sentenced to prison, but was released after 10 years and he's back to the street but as a changed person, he didn't want anything doing with the street games but he couldn't let his street brothers down so he kept making bikes for them only.

He was arrested the second time for the account of Robbery which led to the death of Sweartagawd after he took the blame because mouse ran to him from the robbery straight away and went to Blax for what to do next, Blax didn't want a little boy get arrested because he believes mouse brother's death was his fault, he told mouse to give him the gun and go home while he was arrested by the cops.

Detective Rivers

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Detective Rivers played by Will Catlett started his scene after mouse got a four wheel motorbike and was detained by the police, Detective Rivers who has known mouse from a young age through a police outreach program with his school gave some advice to mouse and told mouse, he can come to him for advice and told him to stay out of trouble but mouse wouldn't listen insisting he doesn't need Detective Rivers help.

Detective Rivers kept trying his best to keep Mouse out of trouble and to make sure he doesn't follow the part of his brother, after discovering Mouse was roaming with the Midnight Clique, he kept a close eye on Mouse and made sure he had to visit the vet regularly but all was in vain. Mouse would lie to him and his mother saying he's visiting the vet but he was going to visit the Midnight Clique, after detective Rivers found out, it was too late, Mouse had partaking in the robbery and Detective Rivers was part of the cops that followed him down to the Midnight Clique base where Blax was arrested for the crimes of Mouse.

Jamal & Queen

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Played by Chino Braxton & Lakeyria Doughty respectively. They were the members of the Midnight Clique. They were involved in bike stunts round the town and were the big boys of the hood. They were the ones that put Mouse, Sweartagawd and Lamont on after being warned by Blax not to do so, but they wanted them to run their little errands for them so they won't get caught by the cops


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Nicki was Mouse's girlfriend, her roll was played by Chandler Dupont, she was a timid lady, smart and beautiful, I won't lie I had a crush on her. She met mouse at the front of her house when her beauty was caught by the boys, she came for a long term visit at her grandma's who is over protective of her, she wasn't allowed to go out or mingle with boys, but mouse always find a way as a bad guy😏 you know.


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Shay was played by Milan Ray, she was that troublesome little sister to mouse, always looking for bribe from mouse so he could go out instead of babysitting her, she was a good girl to mom but a pain in the back to mouse cause he literally had to pay her money so she won't tell mom, you know just doing last born things.


To be honest the movie is a "must watch" movie. I can tell you really enjoyed reading the plot, now imagine the watching the actual movie and see what it looks like.

I watched the movie January 29, 2020, two days after the release of the movie, I then shared the movie with a friend of mine, sat down with him and watched the movie again, I also did the same with a classmate of mine and after a month, I watched the movie again and anytime I share the movie to my friends, I do wat h the movie again if I'm alone or I'm watching with them. It's been about 4 years plus and I can proudly say that I've watched the movie more than 12 times to be honest.

I will like to invite my fellow Steemit friends to participate on this wonderful contest;@goodybest,@bossj23,@jozzie90,@toflex,@jeph001


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Beautiful article, I like you explain the movie bit by bit👏

I wonder how many films you watched in total. Are you a film lover or is this one the most impressive of all?


I'm a film lover but this movie caught my soul

Then it must be a very special one