
in hive-145157 •  2 years ago 

What could be even more redder than viburnum berries, which are so dignified in a large and juicy bunch? What could be even greener than these leaves, which were adorned with such a rich and bright necklace?


Oh, how beautiful these early autumn days are! I thank God that He allows me to contemplate the richness of nature, which, even in a cloudy autumn, can be so bright and unusually beautiful!


When viburnum berries flickered on my horizon, I immediately prepared my camera for shooting. Another and one more photo, and another ... And so it went on until I saw that the memory on my device was full and there was nowhere to take pictures.


In Ukrainian culture, viburnum acquired the status of a symbol of the country. It is mentioned in many Ukrainian folklore works, as well as in poems and songs of our contemporaries, patriots of Ukraine. Kalina is a symbol of life, a symbol of fire, and blood.


A lot can be said about the fiery beauty of this plant and its role in art. But it is impossible not to mention the healing properties of viburnum and how it is in demand in everyday life in general.

This is a miraculous plant that seems to cure all diseases: lung diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, shortness of breath, and various neuroses, as well as cardiovascular diseases, and indigestion, and skin irritation.

It is important to remember that not only the fruits of the bush are healing, but also the bark, the decoctions of which are used for rinsing the mouth. The question is, why are these pills needed, if such a treasure grows right under the windows?


I also know that viburnum has special properties that help whiten the skin and remove acne and even freckles. So all the young ladies should note this)


Viburnum is also popular in cooking. It is perfect for making jams, preserves, puree, jelly, kampots, mousses, even viburnum tea is very tasty. It is also used as a filling for baked goods. And the sourness, which is contained in berries, perfectly complements meat dishes.

I remember my school years, especially primary school, then not a single autumn holiday was complete without viburnum. We decorated exhibition tables with it, someone created whole compositions with viburnum and it looked great.


Well friends, I hope the information I have presented will be useful to you and you will no longer just walk past the viburnum bushes, but you will certainly pluck out a few bunches of berries and find them to be used. And I already did this and ran to brew myself a fragrant tea with viburnum)


By @rikarivka.

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