Heading "Handmade" # 10/ 2024 A Handmade Turtle

in hive-145157 •  4 months ago 

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Greetings to all my friends!!!

I am @sandimal from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰. I hope you all are well. Today I am going to participate on this contest by making a handmade Turtle. I would like to thank @strecoza for bringing this contest for us.

Today I am going to show you how to make a beautiful turtle using discarded materials. For this I used the following things.

-Required materials-


• One lid of kinderjoy cover
• Glue
• Pencil
• Permanent marker
• A scissor
• Piece of waste paper
• Piece of waste cardboard


Step 01

First I cut the legs of turtle by using the piece of white color cardboard. At here I used the first leg shape to cut the other three legs to take the same shape.


Step 02

Then I pasted small pieces of waste papers on the kinderjoy lid by using glue. This kinderjoy lid was used as the shell of the turtle.


Step 03

After then colored the shell and legs by using the black color permanent marker.


Step 04

In this step I fixed the legs of the turtle to the shell by using glue.


Step 05

As the last step I fixed the head of the turtle by using glue. I used a small ball of waste paper to made the head of the turtle. Then drawn two tiny eyes by using the permanent marker.


So my dear friends this is my finished handmade turtle. You can try this in your home also. It is very easy to made. You can made this as a decoration for keeping on the table. I invite you all to try this in your homes.

I like to invite @selina1 @arshani @uzma4882 for this contest

Thank you for reading🙏🙏🙏

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  ·  4 months ago 

Hi friend @sandimal I loved the turtle and you made it with material we all have at home.
Thanks for sharing your art.

Yes my dear. You can try this at your home. Thank you very much...