But before vitamin C injection therapy, you must first know the right dosage, so as not to damage the kidneys.
Yes, looking beautiful is every woman's dream. For some women, white skin is the standard and value of beauty. Various methods have been tried, ranging from external medicine, skin care, to injections of certain vitamins and hormones.
Many believe that injecting vitamin C with collagen with blood vessels can make the skin brighter and even. Although many doubt this method, there are still many enthusiasts. This can be seen from the rampant sales of vitamin C serum in the market and online media.
Popular does not mean without risk. The wrong procedure can result in unwanted things. Basically, vitamin C is a substance that is very much needed by the body and is safe to consume every day.
However, the human body only needs a dose of vitamin C of 45-90 milligrams per day. While the maximum dose that can be digested by the body is around 2000 milligrams per day. Because it cannot be stored, vitamin C consumed today will come out through the secretion process.
Consuming vitamin C in excessively high doses causes the kidneys to work harder. The effect is that the kidneys can be damaged and cause kidney failure. Using vitamin C with collagen aims to inhibit the work of the tyrosinase enzyme which plays a role in the formation of pigment.
"Well, the content is the same, only the dose is increased. For example, if someone wants to be white, they are given more, because why? Vitamin C has an effect, it can reduce pigment."
If the pigment process is inhibited, the skin automatically becomes clean and bright. However, this is not the main benefit of vitamin C, but only a side effect.
"So first it is only to stabilize his immune system. Try, how come someone is tired then he injects vitamin C to be fresh."
Although easy to get, vitamin C injections must be done by clear medical personnel. The role of medical personnel is to reduce the negative risks of vitamin C injections. In addition, to improve kidney function after receiving high doses of vitamin C is to neutralize it by drinking water.
Greetings always compact.
By @midiagam