Hi everyone! This is the 3rd part of my series of writings about uncommon sea creatures. In this part, I would like to introduce you all to 'Narwhal" a unique toothed whale which is also called the unicorn of the sea. The reason it is called the unicorn of the sea is because of its "tusk" which is exactly what looks like the unicorn's horn.
This species of whales are in danger. They are getting extinct day by day. One of the main reasons is we ruthless people hunt them down. The horn-like tooth which is called "tusk" is very much valuable. The meats are also delicious than other whales. They can be also used for medicines.
The number of narwhals is decreasing day by day. Maximum numbers of this species can be found in the Canadian arctic. Although their estimated population is nearly 80 thousand on the whole planet.
The horn-looking thing of narwhals is actually canine teeth. The upper left teeth grow that bigger. The tusk of narwhals can grow up to 10 feet. A unique interesting fact about narwhal tusk is that it has a sensory capability, they can detect the weather condition, temperature, water pressure, etc.
The food list of narwhals includes the squid, shrimp, arctic and polar cod, etc. We could not hunt them rather save them from being extinct.
Thanks for reading my post. Hope that you have learned something new. If you have ever seen this sea creature then comment below and let me know about it.😀
Best regards