Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3: Smoking Kills

in hive-145281 •  2 years ago 


Good day friends how are you all doing today? Am glad to be able to post in this community by participating in this contest by @steemithealth. Smoking is not a good thing at all, base on what have been thought in school. Anyway the rest write up are my views on this contest theme.


Give your views about the phrase "Smoking Kills!".

Smoking is a very dangerous act that's dangerous for our health, most times smoking is addictive and people who has gotten addicted to it will really die young. The smoke they consume in their mouth normally disturb the lungs in their body thereby making them to cough excessively when the smoke has almost reached its limit.

Smoking is very bad for our health and I advise all young man and woman to abstain from it, even this 👇

Smokers are liable to die young

Is written on the pack of all cigarettes but smokers who smokes normally disobey this because they are now addicted to smoking.

What are the main reasons why people become addicted to smoking?

The following are just few reasons why people become addicted to smoking;

  • Depression
  • Boredom
  • Curiosity
  • Peer group pressure
  • Poor home training
  • Joblessness

Are you addicted to smoking, or someone you may know have addicted to smoking? What changing have you seen after addiction?

Am not addicted to smoking and am highly convinced that I will never smoke. I know of a young boy in my neighborhood, he has just graduated from high school few years ago and he's not working.


This boy became very slim the moment he became addicted to smoking, few years ago he told me he hated cigarettes the very first time he started smoking but after some time he loved it and can do anything to buy it even if is to rob someone. This boy's eyes are red and dull, he's now darker self and if you see him you will think he's an orphan. This boy's teeth are brown and he's lips are black, I just feel pity for him.

What should we do to reduce the rate of smoking addiction?

To reduce the rate of smoking addiction, the following must be done. 👇

  • Availability of jobs : The government should provide job opportunities for the youths so that they can be more useful to the society other than being useless and half dead.

  • Provision of sporting facilities : The rate of sports in our country should be very high and cool, youths should always get involved in one sporting activity or the other, to boost their self esteem and so many others.

  • Enlightenment : People should be highly enlightened by the dangerous effect of smoking and how to avoid being a smoke addict. Once we leave people to be more ignorant about this, they will destroy their lives unknowingly.


  • Punishment : Anybody found smoking should be reported to the police in other to get punished so that others who sees this will never think of smoking, for fear of being punished.


Smoking has claimed the lives of alot of people in this world, most especially those in the African country. I don't relate with people who smokes because I might even get corrupt and I don't want my life to be ruined at all. Am sure with time the rate of smoking will reduce.

I hope you all enjoyed my write-up, please don't forget to correct me anywhere you think I made a mistake, we are all learning here in steemit and am always ready to learn. Have a nice day.

I invite @patudoh @goodybest @genomil @patjewell and @o1eh to participate in this contest.

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Hola @smartlouis, te felecito por tu absoluta voluntad de no caer en el horrible vicio del tabaco.
Tu idea de no acercarte a personas fumadoras es una buena medida para no caer en tentaciones. Saludos

Yes, you're right most of people start smoking due to anxiety and depression as they didn't get job even after graduation or masters. We have to give them opportunity to work that we can reduce the ratio of smokers which are unemployed.

Thank you for sharing your participation. Best of luck for contest. I have also shared my participation. Please visit and share your views.

I like your points of the how can reduce the rate of smoking not important is just to stop but should eradicate the reason why people are attracted towards smoking and lead to which serious health issues and problem.

Job availability is now days the main problem of being rum to wrong pathway and leading to smoking to release out the stress


I know that death is something that will not pass any of us but when I die I at least want to do it with clean lungs and no coughing.
I just look at your post and the images and it puts me of smoking.
I feel sorry for those who are smoking and wants to quit but they cannot due to this addiction.
Thanks for the invite!