"SECS 8 Week 6: How do I want to grow old?"

in hive-145281 •  last year 

Hello everyone🍁🍁!

This is @snigdharoy.
From #Bangladesh.

How are you all? I hope you are all healthy and well by the grace of the Almighty. It has been 11 months since I got rid of my tuberculosis. I am completely healthy now by the grace of the Almighty. As I have experienced a disease I am now very health conscious. I try my best to do whatever it takes to keep myself healthy. So I am interested to participate in this contest organized by Steemit Health: " How do I want to grow old?"

SECS 8 Week 6 How do I want to grow old.pngsource & made by canva

Our life is full of happiness-sadness, laughter-crying, ups and downs, pros and cons, etc. New challenges and changes await us at every turn of life. As time goes on we face these new challenges or changes. One of these challenges is the physical and mental changes that accompany age. We all go through these transitions from childhood to adolescence, adolescence to youth, and youth to old age. Among them is the biggest challenge faced by old age.

Today I will share how I tackle this channel challenge by participating in this contest. For this, I will humbly answer some questions.

1- How do I want to age: healthy and energetic or limited and dependent on medication?

Answer: Obviously, I want a healthy and energetic life like everyone else. I am a young woman and I wish to be as healthy, fit, and energetic in my old age as I am at this age.
In old age, various diseases usually come and take root in our bodies. As a result, old people depend on medicine. The vitality one has as one age usually diminish in old age. Many old people feel helpless at this age due to physical diseases and various disabilities. Besides that, there are financial problems. Since there is no energy to work like before, there is no support and thus one has to depend on others. Many times it is seen that many people become mentally broken due to these various problems in old age.

But I don’t want that type of life. I want a self-dependent and energetic life in old age where I can overcome all kinds of problems. I don’t want to depend on others or medication. Also, I don’t want to face financial problems in my old age and become helpless.

2- What are you doing to reach the old age you long for?

Answer: Now I am young but one day you must be old if I don't die young. Some bad habits I did in my youth will affect me in my old age. (Such as smoking, not following hygiene rules, laziness). Also, some good habits help to face various challenges in old age. So I give up the bad habits and try to master the good habits.


👉🏼I wake up early in the morning every day and go for a morning walk regularly.
👉🏼I have my breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time. I don’t eat heavy food at night.
👉🏼Foods like protein, carbohydrates, and fats are included in my diet in quantity.

While eating, we must keep in mind that two-fourths of our stomach is filled with food. And one part of the remaining two parts should be filled with water and the rest should be kept blank.
-My Teacher said.

👉🏼I sleep 6 to 7 hours and drink 2 to 3-liter water a day.
👉🏼I am completely abstinent from various intoxicating substances.
👉🏼I exercise regularly and I prefer cycling.
👉🏼I give a lot of priority to vegetables and colorful fruits in my diet.
Hopefully following these habits will keep my body healthy in my old age.

On the other hand, I am studying hard to build my future. I am developing my skills in various sectors so that I don't have to depend on anyone financially in my old age when I retire from work.💼

3- Are you afraid of growing old, yes or no? Justify your answer.

Answer: To be honest, I'm a little afraid of getting old. Because, I think, the strength, ability to work attitude, etc. that I had in my youth will not be there in my old age. Also, There are various physical complications at this age. I have seen some old age people around me who are very helpless. I am scared to imagine myself in their place. So I'm trying not to be like that.

4- Do you have any experience to share with us about an older adult who is an example for you to follow?

Answer: Yes, I have experienced an older adult who is an example for me to follow. She is my aunty(my father’s elder sister). My aunty is 72 years old and she was a teacher. But still, she can do heavy work. She can walk long distances. Despite being so old, I don't see any signs of worry in my aunty. There is no disease in my aunty’s body(like Diabetes and high blood pressure). Where now (from young to old) various diseases like diabetes have attacked Almost everyone’s body. My aunty says she was very active in her youth and used to eat moderately. Along with this, she does yoga and exercises. So today I am self-sufficient and healthy. Elders in our family take advice from my aunty before taking any decision. I want to be healthy, happy, self-dependent, and respectable.



Age does not stand still for anyone. Everyone has to grow old one day if they live long. I will grow old one day too. But I would like to enjoy my old age no matter how many challenges come. I am very pleased to participate in this contest and like to invite my friends @fatemamarketing and @shuvra.

Thank you for reading my post💐💐💐

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A nice write up Snigdha! It could look better if you format it by using - Proper markdown styling.
My best wishes for the contest!

Thank you so much @dove11 for your advice.

Semoga impian kita untuk hidup sehat dimasa tua tanpa ketergantungan dengan obat-obatan bisa terwujud dengan penerapan hidup sehat yang kita lakukan.

Good luck saudara.

btw saya juga mengikuti kontes ini.

Also good luck brother @ismuhadiadi. Thank you so much

Hola estimada amiga. Felicito a tu tía por ser tan enérgica y por ser tu ejemplo. Tienes razón al decir que todo lo que hacemos joven nos reflejará en la vejez. Te deseo éxitos

Thank you so much @elider11. I also wish you success.

Tranquila que aun te quedan muchos años por vivir y soñar. Solo tienes que seguir cuidándote . Saludos amiguita snigdharoy

Thank you so much @montesdeoca. Pray for me.....