No one would say they have not self-medicated at some point in their life. Self-medication is when you use a drug or substance without any diagnosis or prescription from an expert for an illness you are going through. This particular action can be dangerous, some can even lead to an addiction, or even worse, death. While you may not think that taking these medications has reduced or eliminated the problem, it could actually be multiplying, it could have masked the major issue and lonely resurface when it is already worse and too late.
Have you self-medicated? Tell us your experience.
Yes, I have. So times when I feel a little headache, I take paracetamol or panadol to relieve it. The experience that shook me was when I had a runny stomach and was feeling feverish. A friend suggested taking some of the drugs that she took when she has a runny stomach too. I thought, why not? It didn't do anything to her so it wouldn't hurt me too. After I took the drugs she gave me, it didn't have any effect at first but later on, my stomach ache became worse.
Did someone tell you to take those medications? Does the person have medical knowledge?
Yes, a friend told me about it. She doesn't have an experience in the medical field but because the symptoms I was feeling were similar to hers I decided, why not? Let me try the medicine she gave me and ended up being worse.
Why didn't you go to a health professional?
My stomach was hurting so badly, that I decided to take hers for the pain to subside. I had planned to go see a pharmacist afterwards. Eventually, I was taken to the hospital by my friends after the pain became much.
Do you know the risks of self-medication?
Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
- Incorrect use of the drugs can cause the illness to increase and could even lead to death if not checked and treated as soon as possible.
- Adverse reactions. Your body could tract to the drug you put in without properly checking it.
- You have the risk of being dependent on the drugs.
Do you think that self-medication is good or is it necessary to go to a professional in the area?
It is good to see a professional when something is wrong with you. While you may have some Drugs you take when the need them, be attentive to your body system to identify when it is not working again.