Bacteria is growing in Covid Masks and making people very sick. Liquid nanobots in the Covid Vaccine. The Boys is based on a true story but it's much worse in real life. Covid Vaccine doesn't make you into a super soldier but it will take over every cell in your body slowly over the course of years, you'll get really sick and it will mess you up like you can never imagine. I NEVER EVER AND NEVER EVER WILL GET A FLU SHOT OR WEAR A MASK.
Equality or Individuality
Equality is a weaponized ploy seeking to rob us of our individuality. What is your New Years Resolution? Will you add Oatmeal Joey Arnold @JoeyArnoldVN as a friend? Send him a friend request.
The Resistance dot video and breaking news too
Having adventures no matter what anybody says
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2020-12-27 - Sunday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-27 - Sunday
Published in December of 2020
My Facebook is @JoeyArnoldVN
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
For more information, visit Banned Video
Elections News
For more info, please visit Stop The Steal
Covid News
For more info, please visit Banned Video
Liquid nanobots in the Covid Vaccine. Covid Vaccine doesn't make you into a super soldier but it will take over every cell in your body slowly over the course of years, you'll get really sick and it will mess you up like you can never imagine.
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
Will you add Oatmeal Joey Arnold @JoeyArnoldVN as a friend? Send him a friend request.
Oatmeal High Council
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Family History
Oatmeal Joey Arnold created this group for his family, friends, relatives, siblings, extended family, people related to the family. Joey was born in 1985 to mother Marilyn Kathleen Morehead Mitchell and Donald Melvin Rasp Arnold.
Oatmeal Health
You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies
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Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube
Red Letter Media
03:30 AM - 04:23 AM - Best of the Worst: Christmas 2020
Don't have sex outside of marriage, I agree. Condoms don't work, that's true. Sex ruins people spiritually speaking when it's with different people.
The Alex Jones Show
05:21 PM - Learn How COVID-19 Controllers Took Over The World In 2020
Liquid nanobots in the Covid Vaccine.
Bacteria is growing in Covid Masks and making people very sick.
Covid Vaccine doesn't make you into a super soldier but it will take over every cell in your body slowly over the course of years, you'll get really sick and it will mess you up like you can never imagine.
Tim Cast Pool
That's a win-win, either they admit Covid is not that bad and come to vote in the house or they stay home and then the Republicans can win. Either case, it is a win.
Equality is a weaponized ploy seeking to rob us of our individuality.
Red Letter Media
Mark Dice
The Alex Jones Show
05:21 PM - Learn How COVID-19 Controllers Took Over The World In 2020
Tim Cast Pool
Matt Christiansen
11:50 PM - 03:20 AM LMS JA
I was dreaming of like waking up at the wrong time or too long and how people wanted me dead or would try to get me when their store were closed. So, I was scared of dying and of being somewhere too long. I might be thinking of several different dreams. I'm probably leaving out a bunch of details.
Rise & Shine
08:05 AM - Got up. Counted ten dollars worth of quarters plus one more quarter. 2 tangerines and coffee for breakfast. And then oatmeal. 1 Corinthians 15 for church. I said if the city of Atlantis was around today, they'd put it in a glass container in the middle of their finest library. The sermon was on the real Jesus as seen in the face of the poor and there may be four faces of God or of Jesus and that is in his face inside a human and in the poor and in the life of Jesus when he lived on earth and the 4th face in when he comes back someday. I put $25 into my bank, 2 bills I didn't know I had. Was going to put $10 worth of quarters but there is no place for quarters at this ATM. But good thing I had these 2 bills. But they should accept coins as they are of a higher value in reality. Now my bank balance is $216.38.
Bank Balance
2020-12-27 - Sunday - 12:12 PM - Heritage Bank NW - Now my bank balance is $216.38.
Tag and basketball in the afternoon. Nerf gun. Painted the square for the basketball hoop with orange chalk and now it is 04:39 PM.
04:39 PM - Rice, chicken
All about this decade, the 1990s, that is from the year 1990 to 1999.
I played this remote control with guns games around 07:00 PM, two remote control cars. At first not so good but then I learned I had to shoot the back where the light was.
I manage that group. I created that group in April of 2020. I made other people admins. I then shared a link of this other group I made there. So, what did I do wrong? Facebook disabled me from doing some things from today, Sunday, until Wednesday for no reason.
Man in America
08:00 PM - We watched this 20 minute video movie via Facebook. Then watched some videos by The Next News Network. Pumpkin pie for dessert. To add batteries to the other remote control car tomorrow. Now it is 09:18 PM. I spent the last few hours of my days listening to the Beauty and the Beta on YouTube while on Twitter and Facebook asking people to add me.