Wish it was Easier?

in hive-145742 •  5 years ago 



Dear Friends here at Steemit blockchain community,

Hope all is going ok for you during this rather uncertain time around the world with the 'pandemic of 2020' still in full swing ...

Well, just taking a brief pause to share a wee bit of inspiration for the moment.

I came across this quote by Jim Rohn and thought it would be worthwhile to share with you and perhaps, it may be of uplifting assistance for someone, somewhere on this globe.

Here it is for you

"Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.'

"Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better."

Jim Rohn
Yes, we're all in this together, let's help each other make it better.

Yes, cleaning is still very much in vogue, as tedious as it may be, as we've been at it for not just days, or weeks, it is now running into months!

Yes, cleaning the cleaning! ... not necessarily the most fun tasks being 'at home' however, very necessary to do....

Yes, wearing a mask when out shopping in public places. Finally, got a 'face shield' instead and allows better vision and breathing . Now that's better --- so improvement is possible in dealing with the big 'C'.

Yes, carry onward with Steemit .... one step at a time.we'll all get there together!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Thank YOU!

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