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Seems like the blockchain is being credited with changing the financial services, travel and mobility, healthcare, and many other industries forever.

Some sectors claim to be capable of handling around 24,000 transactions per second.

Tech giants are said to be switching on the trend, opening consultancies, and offering tech services for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.

In addition to office labor, machines and mobile phones have changed the way individuals manage their wealth.

It is said that some sectors could be opening a backdoor to this massive tech revolution.

Central banks and governments are gradually trying to comprehend of the blockchain and its associated technologies and applications.

Peer-to-peer transactions enable the end user's IP address to be traced. However, the person or organizations' identify is not disclosed.

Other sectors seem to consult on how to upgrade its security system.

There hasn't been anything like this in a long time, since the advent of the telephone and the social media.

On the surface, it seems that these other sectors' blockchains serve as digital ledgers of transfers, but this is only partially correct.

Reportedly, the global blockchain market is currently valued at about $3.67 billion and could flourish at an approximately 82.4% CAGR through 2028.

Seems like these other industries' blockchain could be a ledger of transfers–but not relegated to digital contents.

These industries seem to offer tech services for blockchain technologies.