Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 66: My dream business .

in hive-147599 •  3 months ago 

A business is an organization or an enterprise that engages in commercial or professional activities that aims at making profit. Well, there are some businesses that are not profit inclined while some are basically about profit. Like mine, my business is only profit inclined and nothing more.

Are you business inclined? Tell us about your kind of business.

Business inclined means the urge to be able to find yourself in a business whether profit inclined or not. I am born into a home where everyone does business and we always make sure that we run the business well.

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As for my kind of business, I run a grocery store. I’ve been helping my mum to manage her business and luckily for me, I started my grocery business at the beginning of this year and things have been going well with it.
Aside from being business inclined, grocery business is the business that I find so easy to do.

Do you think only money can make a successful business, or are there other necessary things that make a business successful?

There is a difference between making a business succeed and making a business grow fast. When we are talking about making a business grow fast, it simply means that we can add more capital to our business so we can boost it and earn more than we used to earn but that’s not really it.
A few things that makes a business succeed are effort, financial management and proper accounts.

When I talk about efforts, I’m simply talking about a few sacrifices you have to make for the business to grow just like going to the market and so many mental stresses that comes with having and running a business.
About financial management, would you believe that anyone who cannot manage finances will never be able to run a business because they business will surely run down and crumble and that’s why so many business owners deprive themselves of buying so many things so that they will not have to spend money unnecessarily.
As for proper accounts, this simply means the act of taking an account of every goods you have in your shop. You can do this once a month or even every week. This way, you will know if you are making progress or not.

Give us a rough estimate of your dream business, you can convert into steem.

I dream very big and that’s kinda possible because I already have one shop which is a very good start. If I want to start my dream business, I’d be needing as much as thirty thousand Steem and my current business is about fifteen thousand Steem.

Would you prefer to run your dream business online or offline?

Well, I’m not a big fan of online business. I think that’s because I’m not really used to it. Right from home, I always make sure that I run my thing offline and do it well. I love it when I have a walk in store that people will get to and shop their items.

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Also, when it comes to grocery, I always ask myself if people buy them online.
I don’t think that’s common so offline all the way.

What makes you believe in your dream business? (What is your inspiration)

To be very honest, ShopRite is my inspiration. Anything can happen and what if my little grocery business is the ShopRite of tomorrow? It’s possible, right? Also, I believe in this business because I’ve been running the business for close to a year and it’s going well. If it wasn’t going well, I might have been dicey about the whole thing but now, I can tell that it’s my way and I will make it big in it.

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I would love to know the dream business of my friends too and that’s why I’d be inviting @ruthjoe @joan-na and @goodybest to take part in this contest.

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Hola apreciada amiga. Encantado de leerte . Ya has hecho experiencia con el negocio de tu madre y eso es importante. Los negocios de comestible siempre dan buenos dividendos ya que es algo que las personas siempre compran . Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones