Steemit Engagement Challenge 2 / Steem4Nigeria Contest Welcome Mr. President: We Need a Manifesto from You, What should we Expect? By @acedluffy

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago  (edited)
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Good day friends and family, I am still new to the whole system and my friend adviced me to start the STEEMIT ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE as reputation is not a criteria. I decided to start with this challenge because it seemed more practical to me. I am a Nigerian and trust me when I say the problems we face here are so much that there is a story for everyday. If I were to be the president I would effect some changes and that is what this post is about. Keep reading to find out.


Analyzed Problems Of My Country

The problems in my country are not far from those in other countries but attimes ours gets out of hand. There are numerous problems which I have observed in my country but I would be picking out for major crisis situations which can be handled by the government.


So when you see at the government level, it means I am focusing on the money laundrying incidents done by members of the government. People who cooked up fake lies to feed us so we could vote them and now they get into power and forget the electorates. This just goes to show the high level of corruption amongst the government officials even when the body in charge of ratting out these miscreants catches one of them (The Offenders) they just end up slipping out of harms way and back to safety like a bunch of slithery snakes.


When I say this, I am focused on two basic amenities which is good and functional roads and electricity. Starting with the roads, in Nigeria even the main roads used for interstate travel within the country are in a Terrible state. As a student of the university of Nigeria Nsukka, I recently travelled back home and the journey was the worst journey ever. The roads are unbearable and this caused many vehicles to have accidents.


Don't even get me started on the electricity. I believe in higher developed African countries like south Africa, it is called load shedding but over here in Nigeria we don't have nearly as much electricity to call it that. Those parts of the country where their rent is unbelievablely high don't experience that much power outage although they still experience it while the part of the country with average citizens suffer alot. They don't see up to an average of 12 hours out of 24 hours a day.



There is nothing that makes we laugh than when says we are one Nigeria. We are far from united and I'm sure everyone know this by now. The three major ethnic groups in Nigeria are always at war with one another and everyone points accusing fingers at another ethnic group for any crisis or kidnapping done. I would take an example with where I live, there are Muslim and Christian extremists who believe that anyone who isn't a part of them is impure and deserves to die. Day by day people are killed because someone wasn't happy with their ethnicity or religion. It is really sad and it is another major problem faced in Nigeria right now.


Why I am best suited for this position

I'm actually glad you asked this question because I have argued this with someone and they brought up this question. Allow me to answer this by saying;

Simply put, I am a patriotic citizen who loves his country and no one would want to see what they love crumble in the hands of these laissez faire leaders. The people in power right now are just there to fill their pockets and run away at the end of their tenure but if I get elected I would definitely change the narratives for the better.

As a professional economist in the making, I would be sure to paddle this sinking economy to safety. Everyday the value of the country's currency depreciates in caparison to the U.S dollar but this would definitely change as soon as I am made president as controlling the inflation rate and stabilizing the economy would be my major priority.

There is a saying "you have to know your problem before you can solve them". I feel one of the problem with Nigeria right now is that they don't know their problems and even the problems they know, they don't plan on solving them. A practical example of this is the fact that the government don't want to pay the staff union so that students would resume schooling but instead they steal this money and stuff it in their personal safes at home. As someone with the country's affairs at heart, I would definitely profer solutions to these problems.


Nigerian's most pressing problems and my possibly solutions


No one is safe in this land anymore. The terrorists always have their way whether the victim likes it or not. It's almost asif the government is letting them go freely because they work under them. I confirmed this when armed kidnappers attacked people on the road and kidnapped numerous people. The people got scared and started traveling through plane but the kidnappers attacked the airport then as a last resort the people started traveling through train and the train was hijacked. How can a Nigerian still be secure after this and the government are not making visible efforts to put these kidnapers to book.

  • Possible solution to this problem would include heightening the security personnels around the country with a death penalty for perpetrators. This would make them know that the government is serious and would greatly reduce their activities.


So I mentioned earlier that this was a pressing issue in the country. Roads are not immune to damage and even fixed roads are not immune to minor damages. These minor damages later go on to increase and become the large potholes we see in bad roads today. Another problem when it comes to roads is the fact that they grade the roads but fail to tar them hence small rain and the whole road gets destroyed. The electricity issues m just keeps getting worse like now I only get 5 hours of electricity out of 24 hours a day which is below poor.

  • Possible solution to this problem would be instead of the members of the government to channel the country's funds to their pockets, they can channel it to building good roads and fixing damaged ones. As for electricity, we should strive to be like developed countries where power outage can only experienced in rare cases.


Our economy is practically is shambles and we are facing a rare kind of inflation. There is a general and widespread poverty over the nation with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer whilst facing creeping inflation. You can buy something for #10,000 today and come back in two weeks to hear that the price has jumped to #12,140 that's how bad the hike in price is. Our currency keeps reducing in value more and more and I fear that it would be horrible if unchecked for long periods of time.

  • Possible solutions to this problem includes the reduction of the money in circulation through monetary and fiscal policies then by promoting exportation and reducing importation to increase the currencies value and foreign reserve. Price floors and price ceilings would also need to be introduced to the interest of both the consumer and the seller.


Innovative Idea I would love to include during my tenure

I would provide education to the less privileged whether they like it or not. Asides poverty and Inability to afford for ones basic needs alot of youths and students are lazy and hence they always look for ways to avoid schooling. Schooling would be made compulsory especially for the children begging and temporary camps would be made to house the homeless out of the students. General education and public sensitization would definitely make the level of crime to reduce drastically as the supposed free youths would be busy in their enrolled school.

A program where the jobless part of the labour market are put to good use instead of staying idly and committing crimes they would be given jobs that pay above the minimum wage so they can afford to take care of needs like housing and feeding. This scheme would also include building of infant industries and raw material factories that way thousands of youths are put into employment and then these companies help grow the country's GDP and enable them to be more self sufficient. By doing this, we would be killing two birds with one stone.

People who volunteer to be part of this task force would go through rigorous and special training and they would specialize in fishing out kidnappers in the country. They would also be invested in and given state of the art equipment to aid in their work. The citizens of my country deserve to sleep and wake up in peace and in one piece. These kidnappers use the money gotten from the ransom of their victims to acquire weapons and ammunition to keep up their operations but I would put a stop to that.

Thank you for reading, I hope we can see reason as to why I would make a great president and that I have big plans in store for y'all. With this I have come to the end of this post and I would like to invite @anzaksen, @weasell and @chichieze to join me in this contest.

Cc. @simonnwigwe and @steemcurator04

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Thanks for the invite, I wish you success. My entry in on the way

Thank you for acknowledging my invite. I would love to see what you have in store for us. I want to be wowed as you have always amazed me with your works

You will my dear friend. Expect my entry soon.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Mr. president! I like how you present your manifestos to your prospective citizens. Thanks for sharing with us!

Thank you for reading man, we Nigerians have been through alot and the government don't still care about us. There is need for a positive change


Reading the first part part of your post I couldn't stop laughing.

Don't even get me started on the electricity

😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 I have heard about the electricity problem in Nigeria. It's like not having electricity is a usual thing. Generator noises here and there.

Possible solution to this problem would be instead of the members of the government to channel the country's funds to their pockets, they can channel it to building good roads and fixing damaged ones. As for electricity, we should strive to be like developed countries where power outage can only experienced in rare cases.

You sound very angry 😹. Sorry I'm laughing but it's really cracking me up. Jokes aside though, on the serious note, the corruption in some African countries is really appalling. Some don't even hide it.

I hope your wishes for your country come true. It's a sad situation.

Thank you for the kind words. I was angry when writing the post but I'm completely over it now. I've been laughing since too

Mr President, this is a brilliant and beautiful write-up from you, this country is suffering from a lot of things and we need leaders that has the fear of God in them to lead this country, not those that is packing country money for their own use. I believe you can get there and make Nigeria great again. Thank you for sharing your manifesto with us and I will you best of luck

Thanks for reading 😊 how about I be the president and you be my first lady so we can effect changes together 😅

Are you indirectly proposing to me? 😲

Proposing without a ring and sweet words make me feel bad right now.

Be romantic sir 😂

Ahhh how could that have slipped my mind well let me send my bodyguards to go get a ring as soon as possible. I would come back more prepared than the last time

Bodyguards? Oh no that's not how I want my ring to be bought, you should find some time out of your busy schedule to get the ring yourself. They can only help you in preparation and giving you idea about the ring.

Don't mind him dear, he doesn't know how to be romantic. I would cross the seven seas and mountains if it means getting a ring 💍 for you dear. 😚

Awnnn 😊, I'm blushing so hard that my cheeks is as red as tomato. You make me feel special and loved. You are more than qualify.

As beautiful as you are surely you would require and army of men to bare the pathway as you walk.

Allow me to introduce my self
I am victoh and I would also be seeking your beautiful hand in marriage

Alright if you say so, anything for my first lady. It would be bought abroad though because this country can't offer any jewel or gem that's up to your standards

Okay no problem.

Hi @acedluffy
I saw your link on the someone's post, you commented there, you made a valid point so I decided to check yours out.

Just like your name you totally Aced it!
I really love the fact that you see Basic amenities as important! Nigerian electricity is in the mud! It is heart breaking. Really
Look let's be factual the people are beginning to create jobs by themselves we just need a conducive environment to prosper at it. Amenities and security!

Best wishes

Exactly you are very correct but not everyone wants to create their own jobs, the people that are ready to settle for less are looking for easy jobs and that is exactly what I plan to provide and the electricity issue is out of it. We haven't had light in 3 days now, my battery would soon go off and I won't be able to steem for a while till I see a generator is this how I would continue living.

I can totally relate to this electricity issue and I believe that most Nigerian can relate too.

Light is scare these days and we have to rely on generator supply.