My lifestyle content choices: The Means Of Transportation By@Akareen

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 

Hi friends,

It is my pleasure to participate in another contest for this week, My appreciation goes to the organiser of this contest for their effort in using this contest to promote this platform and also we are going to learn how drivers behave toward the passengers.

Their are different type of transportation that each individual like to boarded when they are going to their final destination or their place of work.

Name the means of transportation


Transportation is the movement of goods and peoples from one place to another. Transportation easier our movement and is also the fasters means when we are going to our place of work or our various home.

This morning I woke up around 5:30am, I brushed my teeth and then I prayed my five daily prayer. I took my bath with warm water because their is cold outside, I ate the food that was cook for me by my mother and after that I greet both my parents and I told them I am off to work.

I arrived at the tarred road for the tricycle that will carry me go to my place of work, fortunately for me I see one tricycle that was going to my place of work. Tricycle is one of the most transportation means that I prefer because you will sit comfortably, three passengers at the back and one drive at the front. Hardly you will find cab in my state, tricycle is everywhere.

Finally, I dropped at the gate and I gave the driver his money that we agree after negotiation.

why did you choose this means?

This type of commercial means does not consume fuel unlike others means of transportation. This machine also very fast so that you can reach your final destination on time that is why most peoples prefer this means of transportation. Accident does not normally happen within the city they operate unlike others commercial transportation.

How much did it cost you?

The cost is very affordable before but due to scarcity of petroleum in the nation, the cost of transportation is now increase, initially it was 150 naira before from my home to the place of my work which is about 1.3 steem. But now the price have increase to 200 naira which is about 2 steem.

What is the behavior of the drivers or other passengers?

The behavior of the drive is wonderful, he interact with the passengers especially about the current situation in the country, during our discussion with him he told us that these politician does not have any thing to offers us and we should keep praying to God for the betterment of the country.

Meanwhile one of the passenger said economic of this country worsen everyday, if you go to the market today to buy goods next day you will hear prices have change. What I noticed about the driver is that is a responsible man who have wife and kids to take care of.

Did you enjoy them or you just managed, tell your experiences.


I really enjoyed the driver, he joke a lot and through our discussion I gain from him because the man full of wisdom, he play music for us so that our journey will be something memorable since they say music is life.

My stay with the man is something interesting and I will be glad if I meet such a nice man in my next journey.

In conclusion, we cannot walk to a far distance because it will affect our health especially it will cause body pain. To have our own car is something interesting so that we can feel comfortably, Some driver are so nice to the extent that they will listen to what you are saying while some are hooliganism whether you talk to them or not they will start to misbehave and angry at their passengers. I invite @tiyum08, @abu07 and @mukka to join me in this wonderful contest.

Thanks for visiting my post

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