Customers are the final consumer who buy goods and service from the seller whether such person offer service or sell physical goods. Without customers you will not be able to sell your goods, your goods will be there nobody will patronise them.
Customer right must not be neglected because they are the one who help you buy your product. Some customers may still abuse you, as a sellers you must be patience to get what they have because in this world human being are not the same our behaviour is different from each others. Customers have the right to negotiate the price of a product they wish to buy from you, if you agree fine and if you are not agree let them know don't abuse them because is their right to ask for the price of a product they want to buy.
Customers also have the right for free delivery, let him or her know that their is charges on delivery.
Yes of course, I remembered when I buy electric hot plate from one Igbo guy in my area, this guy so nice and he was also friendly to the extent that he relate with the customers in a unique way some customers will abuse him and curse him and at the end of the day he would not listen to what they are saying rather he would crack joke with them. He sold the the electric hot plate for me at lesser price, till now I still they used electric hot plate in my house because light in my area is always stable.
In another instance, I bought bread from one Yoruba woman in my area I gave the woman money and he supposed to give me changes, the woman told me that their is no change I want to collected the money from that woman to go and look for change but she refused. She said it was her right to go and look for changes, the woman respect me a lots and humble her self to the extent that I told her to keep the change.
As the one offering the service, have you ever been in a situation where you have to treat customers exceptionally because of the above phrase? Please tell us about it.
I am into poultry feeds business and I also know the value of customers because customers satisfaction is my concern. Whenever they visited my shop and buy goods from me I will welcome them, give them best price, some would also want to price my goods to the point that am not feel comfortable I would just be patience with them because I know what I want to get from them.
Their are some situation where by customers reject 15 bags of poultry feeds he bought from me. I got angry inside but I no show it to him, I told him that I sold what you requested for and finally he plead that the chicken would not eat it because they are very young. I accept it and gave him another one in returns.
Do you think that the phrase customers are always right is the right phrase to use? Give reasons why or why not
Customers will always right, the seller most also understand the phrase because customers sometime may behave badly and at the other side they behave in a positive way. Some of the seller even use this phrase as their quote and they may rephrase it as customers right is their concern or customers satisfaction is their major concern.
As a business man or woman customers right must be our number one priority, we must take it seriously because they are the one who promote our business. Listen to what they want to buy from you is necessary and you must take it as an important things if you want to grow your business. I invite @mukka, @tiyum08 and @ebeke to join me in this contest.