My Neighborhood Watch #33 - Reporting Events Around Us

in hive-147599 •  9 months ago 

Compliments of the new year, friends. Akpata is the community where I live. It is the headquarters of Akun Development Area in Nassaraw Eggon local government area in Nasarwa State located in the center of the state in central Nigeria in West Africa having two seasons; The rainy and dry seasons. The rainy season starts at around April to around October which favours crop production.


At Akpata there is currently a developmental project (a u-shaped road) about six kilometers if completed will help improve the life of the community.
It is a project carried out by the state government Besides this, one of the well-meaning illustrious sons of the community, a veterinary doctor, Samuel Anzaku Akawu is building a double bulk culvert connecting some houses.

Apkata community has a covent, a girls' college, and a hospital built by the Roman Catholic Missionary around the middle of the 19th century but lacks a good road network which negatively affects the efficiency of the services within the community.


The road under construction links the major highway to the seats of state and federal powers in the East and West respectively. i e Lafia and Abuja. Besides these two projects earlier embarked on by the state government, renovation, and improvement are ongoing in the primary school in the community.

A school that has been in a dilapidated state for almost three decades. The presence of the federal government is seen here. The work will also improve the teaching and learning activities of the pupils. The road under construction connects another missionary hospital to the West of Akpata, a hospital built by the Sudan United Mission (S.U.M) now called Alushi Medical Center.

The hospital was built mainly to take care of persons with tuberculosis and leprosy and was the first of its kind in the whole of the northern region. These sicknesses mentioned were very common then, especially leprosy.

The road construction now is almost sixty percent completed. The necessary bridges and culverts were completed. The last layer of the lateral is ongoing which will follow by bitumen.

The community suffered erosion because of a lack of good roads and drainages which as mentioned earlier, retards some progress in the community.

Besides these government projects, a few individuals are carrying out building projects. Some old houses are undergoing renovation while some few ones are undergoing improvement and some new ones are under construction despite the economic hardship facing the nation.
This is so far my report of the week.

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